When President Obama made the Executive order to allow special privileges and immunity to the International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol), citizens were rightly concerned. We tend to take our freedoms and national sovereignty rather seriously. As in literally. Andrew McCarthy of National Review, Newt Gingrich and Glenn Beck vocally spoke out. But, now, according to Michael Isikoff in Newsweek, there’s a new force Obama and the entire Interpol body must contend with: Chuck Norris. In typical snarky form, Isikoff takes aim at Norris’ latest World Net Daily post: Now Norris, famed for his expertise in the martial arts, attacks from a different direction. In a new column on World Net Daily, the right-wing Web site, he claims that Obama signed the executive order so that he can slyly, without anyone noticing, create a “secret vault” at Interpol’s New York office to conceal important records about the war on terror from the American public. (Emphasis mine.) That little bit of information is important to note as Newsweek attempts to equate reasonable concern for our sovereignty over international agencies with extended speculation (read: conspiracy theories). Not surprising. Also not surprising is the final snipe at the National Rifle Association after the NRAattempted to dispel some of the myths surrounding the order: What does it say about the state of political discourse when the NRA is the voice of reason? Sure, Isikoff, because there is nothing less reasonable nor uncivil than an organization devoted to the defense of a constitutional right. Newsweek’s frilly ideology is showing again, even in the face of sound argument from the NRA. Not to mention taking on both the organization and Chuck Norris belies a sort of brazenly self-assured efficacy. Don’t they know that Chuck Norris is the only person in the world who can actually email a roundhouse kick?Chuck Norris Fact: He Can Demolish the Interpol Conspiracy by Blinking
Thursday, 14 January 2010
2010 JANUARY 13
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Britannia Radio