Cookery programmes are still popular, and last night’s Panorama offered another traditional and much loved recipe for making Israel look really evil. Interesting insight from someone who worked for the BBC During "Today" this morning, there were two instances of outrageous BBC grovelling to Labour. Just after 7.38am who pops up but John Reid to position himself as a champion of "individual freedom of conscience". I thought this a bit rich coming from someone who has been at the centre of this ever more totalitarian government but he was given an easy ride. Then, just a few minutes later, we had Alan Johnson on to announce punitive legislation against Pub Licensees who dare to hold Happy Hours and the like. Again, Johnson was not pushed in any way and was allowed to waffle on as if Labour itself had not been involved in bringing about 24 hour booze culture. Have you picked up on BBC coverage of the Jihad attacks carried out by the Taliban in Kabul today? I suggest to you that the tone of the coverage was almost one of....admiration. The BBC seems to take perverse delight that these dark ages barbarians can carry out such atrocities. Have you read Mark Mardell's item on the fierce battle taking place in the USA for the senate seat left vacant by the death of Ted Kennedy? Mark seems quietly confident that the Dem's will win this which strikes me as a bit odd since most other commentators are suggesting that Scott Brown is ahead in the polls and that Obama has been forced to do all he can to keep this iconic seat in the control of the Dems. Should the GOP win, it will be a terrible low for the BBC, as Obama's unpopularity will become all too visceral. His radical leftism may excite the BBC but evidently a significant section of the electorate thinks otherwise. How could this be - when the God-King is but within his first year? Mardell and the rest of the pro-Dem sycophants at the BBC better get used to this pattern of losing Dems - roll on the mid-terms. Anyone catch posh Ed Stourton's travelogue on that charming resort of Gaza this morning? (7.39am). I was touched hearing his all too evident admirationfor the tunnelling skills of those fine Hamastan inhabitants although angered at the way in which the evil Jews have wrought all of this due to their "Operation Cast Lead" a year ago. Good old BBC - ALWAYS fair and balanced on this topic.Cooking with Corbin
>> TUESDAY, JANUARY 19, 2010
Two or three bright-eyed fanatics.
One grey-haired self-hating lawyer with American accent.
One or two Chosen People, with multiple progeny.
Spicy Topping:
Assorted Palestinians. (select: sad, angry, wounded, bereaved, evicted from home, tearful child.
Before use, carefully remove all traces of religiously based anti-Semitism and murderous intent.
Available off the shelf: Ready-made clip of small group walking towards camera in religious fancy dress. Must include one large furry hat made from enormous car tyre.
Pre heat audience by drip-feeding propaganda for 40 years till boiling. Scrupulously remove and discard all historical context. Mix together, dish up and present, preferably by woman who has stolen Clare Short’s face.
If this is facetious, there is a serious side. Panorama used to be an important programme, a flagship BBC product. Now it’s superficial, sensational and slapdash. A microcosm of the BBC.HOMOSEXUALITY NEARLY COMPULSORY?
>> MONDAY, JANUARY 18, 2010
Tuesday, 19 January 2010
"My sexuality was formed behind bike sheds and in school dormitories, a most unimaginatively clichéd pattern of pubescent fumbling. This propelled me into a lifestyle, reinforced by a social milieu of flamboyant media gays. At the BBC, where I worked for seven years, homosexuality was very nearly compulsory."
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Britannia Radio