Does the Government Own the Whole Economy?
In a recent New York Times op-ed, economist Robert Shiller (coproducer of the famous housing-price index) recommended that the US government begin to sell claims on fractions of Gross Domestic Product.
CNBC’s Kilduff: $100 Oil in Next Six Months
It hasn’t been in the limelight recently, but it is coming. According to CNBC contributor John Kilduff of Round Earth Capital, we will soon see the price of reach $100 per barrel.
Confronting a Killer Part II: The Secret Service Visit
What happens when you confront an ex-president and former head of the CIA? The Secret Service visit you at home.
• Your Support Needed To Keep Propaganda Matrix Online
California Set To Enforce “Energy Efficiency” In Homes
California is expected today to adopt a green building code that would reduce water use, mandate the recycling of construction waste and step up enforcement of energy efficiency in new homes.
• Inhofe on ‘enemies’ list
Drumbeat to Boot Geithner Gets Louder, on Eve of Hearings on Disastrous Economic Crash
Geithner acts like a stalking horse for the people responsible for the meltdown. It’s time to say sayonara, and appoint someone who has the people’s interests at heart.
• Less Than a Tenth of Bank Of America’s Assets Comes From Traditional Banking Deposits