Monday, 4 January 2010

European Union Directives,Regulations and Laws.

2010 Will Be a Decisive Year for Ad Privacy and Regulation
ClickZ News
Ultimately, that scrutiny culminated in the passing of an EU directive requiring explicit user consent for the placement of cookies, the technology on which ...
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If any of your idiot friends still believe in AGW, make them read this letter (blog)
... Kommissars of the hated EU, who make nine-tenths of our laws by decree (revealingly, they call them “Directives” or “Commission Regulations”). ...
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Faking the arguments for ACTA « Sköne Oke
By arebentisch
The EU-Commission can simply propose a directive to harmonize substantive patent law first, and then propose a “community patent” . Instead they chose the technically difficult way to make the EU a branch of the European Patent ... A global “market for regulation” (Ashton), the use of trade instruments for global policy making does heavily fire back on the nascent European Union level democratic rule which would be enhanced by a global trade agreement regime pushed by ...
Sköne Oke -
If any of your idiot friends still believe in AGW, make them read ...
By Congress Check
... Europeans have had more than enough of that already with the unelected but all-powerful Kommissars of the hated EU, who make nine-tenths of our laws by decree (revealingly, they call them “Directives” or “Commission Regulations”). ...
Congress Check -
Online Gaming Legislation | Poker Fun
By Kattrine John
In the European Union views are different as all EU Member States are bound to observe the provisions set out in the European Communities Treaty. It therefore makes it illegal for a Member State to prohibit residents from accessing a ... UK's position is set out in the enacted Gambling Act 2005, the directives of which came into effect on September 2007. The new Act provides a single, all encompassing piece of law to cover all forms of gambling in the United Kingdom. ...
Poker Fun -
CIPP Guide » Email Privacy
By admin
The Directive on Privacy & Electronic Communications is the main spam law in the E.U. It was passed in 2002 as a supplement to the protections covered under the European Data Directive. The E-Privacy Directive deals with privacy issues ...
CIPP Guide -
By DIRLAB SAS, Pfastatt,
The new tool of 'Computer-assisted Transposition' has already shown its effectiveness in the dissemination of EU regulations during the transposition of the first ASEAN Directive. The dissemination of good regulations is the si ne qua ...
DIRLAB's Blog -