Tuesday, 12 January 2010


In these interviews conducted by Bill Whittle of PJTV - confirms that our Government is fully aware that Islam is not a peaceful religion but deliberatly supresses reports that were requested to determine the prevelance of the Jihad movement

An  Analyst at the defense department was hired to do the research for the Joint Chiefs of Staff with a view to seeking the "moderate view" in Islam but after much research determined that the theolgy of Islam was Radical itself. The Radical view was the unanimous perspective in Islam from all recognized scholars. When the report was filed it was thrown back in the face of the analyst and supressed by the very people who commissioned, ie the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

This would be the equivilent in the private sector, of a major car company been given a report by their engineers that a brake system was seriously flawed and could fail on all the vehicles that were produced in a whole year prior to the discovery and then the company surpresses the engineers report, does not recall the vehicles, because it would cost the company too much money.

The leaders of our country are committing treason against the people of the United states for the sake of oil interests, also because of the consequences of turning upside our current alliances which in reality means we are sleeping with the enemy. The foreign and energy policies of the last seven decades has brought us to this dangerous set of affairs and now threatens the safety and security of every American as well as the freedom of the Western world.

The second culprite is our media which is also not willing to expose the truth concerning Islam.  They are totally ignorant, or wilfully ignorant or selfish because of monetary interests along with irrational political correctness. If the media would do its job both left and right, then maybe they could hold our leaders accountable to the truth, so we can change the whole way we need to fight this war which is a political ideology using terror as a strategy. When we faught the Nazis we were fighting the ideology so we must do the same again or lose the war or if not lose suffer massive loss of life before we do the right thing.

In a second interview which also follows the first you will see an interview with a former FBI agent which exposes the pathetic ineptitute of the FBI which requires approval from the Islamic groups ( the very enemy) in order to fight "the war on terror". Our FBI ask the sympathizers and financiers of terrorism for approval on how to fight the Islamic terrorists.  If the American people do not rise up quickly we are all sunk. Please forward this video and message to everybody you know. The safety of every person in the USA is at risk. Each one of needs to act in some way to defend the freedom of the West because our leaders are handcuffing the people who could save and protect us but they are being mislead and mismanaged which can only be described as criminal negligence on a scale never seen before in the history of the USA.

Here is the link.
