endGlobal Deep Freeze Threatens 2010 Food Supply!
Wednesday, 13 January 2010
Will we see a global food crisis in 2010? This is highly probable. Global grain reserves are being depleted at an alarming rate. America’s grain reserves seem to be close to zero! Quite a few are reporting of incompetence by the US government and USDA.
While trend experts, economists and investment gurus have been predicting food shortages for some time, new evidence indicates the U.S. Department of Agriculture may be covering up the greatest food shortage in modern history. Beginning in 2009, global agricultural markets faced a supply and demand imbalance, caused by a substantial drop in output resulting from the financial crisis and extreme weather around the world.
At the same time, growing economies in Asia have begun consuming record amounts of raw goods, particularly food staples as consumers move to higher protein, higher calorie diets. When supplies are reduced and demand is constant or growing, prices normally rise. Industry observers and economists remained mystified by the low agricultural prices in spite of this trend.
…. USDA production estimates are fraudulent. They contradict reality. At this point, I doubt the USDA is even collecting data. Their production estimates are “fill in the blank”, as in demand is X so production is also X. It is criminal.
The deep winter freeze is impacting crops worldwide. Major runs on food are seen at the supermarket level.
Fears over supplies of fresh milk led to the Government relaxing restrictions on delivery drivers yesterday amid reports of panic buying. Farmers were concerned that many thousands of gallons would have to be dumped because of the delays in milk tankers reaching dairies after the snow and ice. The Government has also been forced to ration dwindling grit supplies for roads, despite forecasts that the worst of the snow is over and that the thaw will start this week.
Supermarkets in some areas are reported to have sold out of essentials including bread, milk and salt. Farmers were also said to be struggling to harvest vegetables in the freeze, which could lead to higher food prices. Stephen Alambritis, chief spokesman for the Federation of Small Businesses, said: “Our members have had a run on vegetables and food. The replacements have been thin on the ground. There is concern that farmers have not been able to bring the harvest in for such items as potatoes, sprouts and cabbages, which reduces the amount available to stores — and pushes up prices.”
NaturalNews reports:
The global deep freeze now striking North America, Europe, China and other regions may lead to severe food shortages and price hikes throughout 2010. Right now, rare freezing temperatures are destroying root crops in their ground, wiping out citrus orchards and devastating food producers around the world. The upshot of it all? Expect food shortagesand rising food prices throughout 2010.
This global deep freeze is all part of the extreme weather now being unleashed on the planet due to human beings polluting the world and altering the atmosphere. Scientists can’t agree on whether the trend is global warming or global cooling, but no one can argue that something’s wrong with the weather.
Rainfall and temperature patterns that used to be reliable are now going haywire. Where there were once reliable seasonal rains, there are alternating periods of drought followed byfloods. Where temperatures were once mild and predictable, they’re now fluctuating out of control, becoming too hot in the summer and too cold in the winter.
All this adds up to escalating crop failures that are now poised to have a real, noticeable impact on the global food supply. “Sub-zero temperatures have made it impossible to extract some vegetables from the ground. Producers of brussels sprouts and cabbages are all reporting problems with harvesting. Cauliflowers are said to have turned to mush in the sustained frost,” says a story published in The Guardian(http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2010/j…) It goes on to report:
“In Ireland, 6,000 acres of potatoes remains unharvested and there are claims that up to three-quarters of the crop may be ruined. Potato growers in Northern Ireland say they are facing some of the biggest losses in recent history because of frost damage.”
The UK Press Association also reports, “Food shortages are feared as it emerged that farmers are struggling to harvest vegetables in the big freeze, which will lead to higher food pricesand damage small businesses.” (http://www.google.com/hostednews/uk…) New is also surfacing that the world’s orange juice supply may now be destroyed:
“Growers in the sunshine state fear an even worse arctic blast Sunday night will decimate their crop, which accounts for 40-percent of the world’s orange juice supply.” (http://www.necn.com/Boston/Nation/2…)
All this destruction of food is already causing prices to rise. “Greengrocers in some of the worst-hit areas are reporting shortages, with the price of carrots and parsnips reportedly rising by 30% in some small shops,” reports The Guardian(http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2010/j…)
Similar reports are also coming out of China, which has been hit hard by freezing weather.
Global food supply is now threatened
The global deep freeze now devastating crops around the world leads to one inescapable conclusion: Food prices will rise throughout 2010. They were already on the rise in 2009, but thanks to the big winter freeze, they’re headed much, much higher this year.
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Britannia Radio