Wednesday, 27 January 2010
I have posted an article on the much-forgotten history of the Holocaust warning that was made in August 1942 by Robert Schuman, who had just escaped from Germany.
No government seems to have taken any action to this and other secrets that Schuman brought with him. The extermination was also made known to the Roman Catholic Church, though they must have known through the Catholics in churches in Ukraine and elsewhere in the Baltics and Eastern Europe.
This is a shortened version of the Study I made for the European Commission's Conference on Anti-Semitism in 2004.
No one in the European Commission made any reference to the fact that the 'Father of Europe' was instrumental in this warning about mass extermination, and that he originally set up the Council of Europe as a safeguard so that Human Rights of Jews would not again be violated in such a murderous fashion, and the European Community to provide a democratic institutions to regulate European society where it was needed.
All that was buried in the de Gaulle period, and it would seem it is still well buried today.
Best regards,
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Britannia Radio