Sunday, 24 January 2010

Hijack plot caused new terror alert

The Indian interior ministry has recommended extra security measures for Indian airlines after intelligence on a threat from militants to hijack a plane of the national carrier Air India

MI5 was told about a suspected plot by militants linked to Al-Qaeda in Pakistan to hijack a flight from Mumbai or Delhi 33 comments

Darling: 'Public sector faces pay cuts'

Chancellor Alistair Darling in his office at theTreasury

Signalling an assault on public sector pay and bonuses, the Chancellor said it was time for a change of culture 58 comments

UN climate panel blunders again

The chairman of the UN's climate change panel used bogus claims that Himalayan glaciers were melting to win huge grants 51 comments

Pie man was Doncaster child safety chief

Mark Hodson spent his career overseeing food production before he was hired to run children’s services at Doncaster council 29 comments