Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Can Germany be made to reveal who they are covering for in not releasing the monster who hid the Auschwitz blue prints? Where's the Jew hatingIRCC? UN? Where the hell is Israel?
6 Nov'41 Mufti is given a residence on Klopstockstrasse.The property is a large building block which until 1939 was home to a Zionist School. When the building was confiscated (probably '39),Himmler installed a 'Jewish institute" which was named "The Jewish Question in the Muslim World Research Institute" at the Mufti's request." (thanks to Armaros) [more translation]
Pic hat tip hal
In late 2008, the blueprints to the 'construction plans of true hell', Auschwitz, were discovered behind a wall in Berlin. The German government refuses to reveal whose apartment it was. Further, the owner of the blue print asked such a sheik's ransom for the prints, the federal archives refused to pay it -- and so Germany's largest tabloid newspaper, the Bild, paid the blood ransom.
Who is the German government protecting? I have, along with industrious Atlas readers, embarked on a mission to determine who would be sanctioned for such an atrocity. In the process of researching this evil, the close association between the Third Reich and Islamic jihad is frightening. The Muslims were just as guilty as the Nazis, and yet they walked away, and their major role in this awful time in history was expunged from the history books. This was not taught in Social Studies class. That is a war crime. You couldn't teach it today. Under sharia law, you cannot defame or insult Islam, and we are living under a soft sharia.
Why wasn't Islam punished for its role in the Holocaust? Why wasn't the koran expunged of its violent texts? Why wasn't the koran made unholy and driven to the fringe of decent society like mein kampf?
Here's more of what I discovered in various historical documents.
The Mufti of Jerusalam's Berlin address has been reported both as Kolstock Street/Strasse and as Albertstrasse-5, where it is whispered the blueprints were found. Was the street name changed after the war, or did the Mufti have 2 different addresses?
On March 19, 1943, the occasion of the prophet Mohammed's birthday, in a broadcast over the Rome wireless, the Mufti reiterated his old allegation, which had caused so much bloodshed in Palestine in the past, that the Jews had designs on the holy places of Islam, especially on the El Aqsa Mosque.The danger of Judaism to the Arabs, argued the Mufti, was not confined to Palestine, as the Jews, associated with the Allies, were now planning to make North Africa a shelter for Jewish refugees from Europe. He stated:
Arabs and Muslims, on this occasion of the birthday of the Prophet, who crushed Jewish ambitions in the past and completely eliminated them from Muslim countries, thereby setting us an example, on such a day Muslims and Arabs should vow before God utterly to crush Jewish ambitions. . .33
The Mufti was headquartered in Berlin:
The Mufti developed a world headquarters in Germany. In an office in Berlin, his activities included: 1. radio propaganda; 2. espionage and fifth column activities in the Middle East; 3. organizing Muslims into military units in Axis-occupied countries and in North Africa and Russia; and 4. establishment of the Arab Legions and the Arab Brigade.
These groups were trained by the Nazis and used by them.15• The Mufti's radio broadcasts were some of the most violent pro-Axis broadcasts everproduced. He had at least six stations, Berlin, Zeissen, Bari, Rome, Tokyo and Athens.He used these radio broadcasts to tell Muslims across the world to commit acts ofsabotage and kill the Jews.16The Mufti developed a “propaganda barrage” in Arabic through leaflet and radio. Tons of paper, beautifully printed with Koranic texts, were distributed. These leaflets were widely distributed to the Arabs of Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco, calling on them to attack the ghettos where the Jews lived.18
In 1943 in the Luftwaffe Hall in Berlin, a meeting was held in which the Mufti was the principal speaker.
His words were recorded and rebroadcast the next day. They included:
The Treaty of Versailles was a disaster for the Germans as well as for the Arabs. But the Germans know how to get rid of the Jews. That which brings us close to the Germans and sets us in their camp is that up to today, the Germans have never harmed any Muslim, and they are again fighting our common enemy {applause} who persecuted Arabs and Muslims. But most of all, they have definitely solved the Jewish problem. These ties, and especially the last, make our friendship with Germany not a provisional one, dependent on conditions, but a permanent and lasting friendship based on mutual interests.36
• In 1943, the Mufti traveled to Bosnia, where he helped to raise a Bosnian Muslim Waffen-SS Hanjar, who slaughtered 90 percent of the Jews in Bosnia…Other Bosnian Muslim units raised by the Mufti were sent to Croatia and Hungary, where they participated in the killing of Jews.37
November 28, 1941, The Mufti meets with Hitler in Berlin, this was reported by theGerman News Agency on December 7, 1941, the same day Japan attacked the UnitedStates at Pearl Harbor. They wrote that the Mufti was, “Received by Herr Hitler. Foreign Minister von Ribbentrop was also present.”30• November 28, 1941, Hitler had a long conversation with the Mufti of Jerusalem. Hitler explained, the countries of Europe were being emptied of Jews one by one; at theappropriate time this would be extended to what Hitler called “non-European countries.”On March 19, 1943, the occasion of the prophet Mohammed's birthday, in a broadcastover the Rome wireless, the Mufti reiterated his old allegation, which had caused so much bloodshed in Palestine in the past, that the Jews had designs on the holy places of Islam, especially on the El Aqsa Mosque. The danger of Judaism to the Arabs, argued the Mufti,was not confined to Palestine as the Jews, associated with the Allies, were now planning to make North Africa a shelter for Jewish refugees from Europe. He stated:Arabs and Muslims, on this occasion of the birthday of the Prophet, who crushed Jewish ambitions in the past and completely eliminated them from Muslimcountries, thereby setting us an example, on such a day Muslims and Arabs shouldvow before God utterly to crush Jewish ambitions. . .33
If only such Islamic lies were true. If only inglorious bastards weren't a fantasy movie.
Previous: In Whose Apartment were the Blueprints for Auschwitz found? Why the Secret?