Wednesday, Feb 3--8:15 pmAlon Davidi, Chairman of the Sderot Security Committee, in association with AFSI, will be giving a Sderot Security Update at the Young Israel of Flatbush, 1012 Avenue I, off Coney Island Ave. Free admission. Make your reservations through AFSI - 212-828-2424; Thursday, Feb 11 - 7:30 pmMember of Knesset, Dr. Arieh Eldad - will be speaking onIsrael's Survival Strategies at the West Side Institutional Synagogue, 120 W. 76th Street, between Columbus & Amsterdam Avenues. Free admission. The best way to send a message to the detractors of Israel in the media, the Administration, and the public is by joining AFSI and becoming active with AFSI's work. As a member, you will also receive our renowned monthly publication, The Outpost. See past editions.
Reservations are required. Call 212-828-2424 or email:
A Message from the Chairman AFSI has been leading Chizuk missions for over fifteen years to the threatened communities of Israel. By doing so, we have created strong ties with the land and the people who have been expelled from Gush Katif, and those who are facing expulsion from Judea and Samaria. Believing in the biblical road map, which charts a whole Israel, and an indivisible Jerusalem, we know it is our duty and responsibility to continue our program of first-hand identification with our beleaguered brethren. We urge everyone who believes as we do to join us on this trip.
A Message from the Director Nov 2009 Chizuk Mission to Israel Philadelphia AFSI has concentrated its efforts on contacting the media to defend Israel and expose Islamic extremism. They recently drew national attention when they pressured Verizon to drop a pro-Islamic TV network from its lineup after the network's founder, Muzzammil Hassan, beheaded his wife in Buffalo, NY. Middle East expert and columnist Daniel Pipes, radio talk-show host Laura Ingraham and The Jewish Exponent newspaper in Philadelphia all reported on the campaign.
The Oregon AFSI chapter membership is made up primarily of Evangelical Christians who support Israel in every way. Their radio program on AM1330, an Evangelical Christian station, is heard three times a week. Inez Weissman, Chapter Chair, interviews Christian and Jewish leaders on important topics relevant to Israel and the Jewish people. For example, Jacob Shrybman, spokesman for Sderot, was interviewed and resulted in the development of a program for the children of the city.
A special thanks...
Sunday, 31 January 2010
ican who cares about a safe and secure Israel...
Americans for a Safe Israel (AFSI) supports a policy of "peace for peace" between the Arab states and Israel, and rejects "peace for territory." We believe the Arabs when they call for the destruction of Israel. Therefore, the giveaway of any areas would simply mean that Israel would be feeding into the enemy's plan. AFSI opposes spending US tax dollars, estimated to be in the billions, to fund a phantom "peace" plan.
Save the Date!!
Americans for a Safe Israel
February 2010 Newsletter
Americans For a Safe Israel
1751 Second Avenue (91st Street)
New York, NY 10128
Tel: 1-800-235-3658, Fax: 212-828-1717
Herbert Zweibon
I'm pleased to be greeting you as AFSI's National Chairman and welcoming you to this new initiative on our part, the E-newsletter. We hope that this will motivate you to become more involved in AFSI's activities and efforts on behalf of Israel.
My dear friend, Shmuel Katz, one of the founders of AFSI, died just a year ago at the age of 93, and left behind him a treasure trove of Jerusalem Post articles, books, magazine articles, and more. Believing his work to be of inestimable value, we are in the process of creating a website dedicated to his work. It will be the site and should be a source of inspiration to all who follow his beliefs. We'll tell you more about it as the site takes shape.
Another exciting venture is one we are introducing in the high schools in Israel. We recognize that the name of Ze'ev Jabotinsky, which should be familiar to all, simply is not familiar to many of Israel's citizens. In order to commemorate the 70th year since Jabotinsky's death, AFSI has planned an essay contest in the high schools which will be announced on Feb. 25, 2010. The deadline for essay submission will be July 11, 2010, with the awards ceremony taking place on the anniversary of Jabotinsky's birth, Oct. 19. Our hope is that the research students will do on Jabotinsky, to enable them to write about his amazing career, will awaken the spark of appreciation for Israel's heroes. AFSI's belief in the importance of learning about and emulating the heroes is evident also on our website: We urge you to visit the site and see what we mean.
Upcoming Event: May 9-17, 2010
Join the AFSI Chizuk Support Mission to the endangered lands and people of Israel
There is limited space for the Mission. Dont be left out of this opportunity to be a witness to history in the making!! Find out the details here.
Helen Freedman
Welcome to our first E-Newsletter! We're so pleased to initiate this effort in order to communicate to you more directly and to reach a wider audience. Our goal is to publicize the activities of our Chapters around the country whose efforts go largely unsung. We want to celebrate the Chair people who keep AFSI's work going throughout America, Canada, Europe, and Israel. We also want to keep you updated on upcoming events in the New York area, as well as news from our many friends in Israel whose organizations are working to support a safe and strong Israel. The national office in NYC is, of course, the hub of our activities. It is the center for planning demonstrations, like the one we had in front of the United Nations in September, and the one we led on a cold, rainy day in December outside the Israeli Consulate to protest the construction freeze. It is also our communications center, regularly putting out press releases and action alerts. We know that EVERYONE can be an active participant in the effort to preserve a whole Israel by writing letters, calling political representatives, sending emails, faxes and letters to those who need to be alerted to our truths.
Our office is also the focal point for arranging speaking engagements for visiting Israelis. Some are politicians. Some are filmmakers. Others are grass roots activists seeking to educate Americans about the true facts in the Israeli battle against its enemies..
We have also forged strong bonds with Israeli organizations that embrace our beliefs. Our steadfast volunteer, Charlotte Wahle, makes phone calls and sends out notices about the dinner events planned by the Hebron fund, Beit Orot, Manhigut Yehudit, Ateret Cohanim, and others. We encourage our members to get involved with Mishmeret Yesha, Women in Green, Friends of Gush Katif, the Israel Independence Fund, and more.
However, YOU are our mainstay. We need our members to be educated about the truths in the Middle East, and of course, how American policy affects and is affected by these truths. The more involved we are, the more we lift our voices, the more visible we become, the more impact we can have on a healthy future for Israel and America. Please forward this newsletter to others who share our concerns for Israel and interest in our events.
This land is not for steal--or sale--or deal!
How does one sum up the extraordinary impressions, sights, people, experiences that we had in the eight days we were together? Israel - such a beautiful country - seems to be slipping out of the grasp of Israelis who don't know who they are. Read about the details of our trip that provided our diverse group with the little-known realities that exist in Israel today. Click here.
Chapter Report: Philadelphia
Cliff Kincaid of Accuracy In Media (AIM) has mentioned the research of Philadelphia AFSI Executive Committee member Moshe Phillips in his Nov. 24th article on Fox News and Marc Lamont Hill. The article can be found here: On Dec. 4th WorldNetDaily (WND) featured a link to a Philly AFSI Op-Ed. WND states it is the "the largest independent, full-service newssite in the world" and has claimed million visitors a month to its website. The article was also published by many websites in the U.S. and Israel and was called YOU MAY NOT BE "PRO-ISRAEL" IF.... :
Chapter Report: Portland, OR
Plan your own event!
If you are interested in arranging speaking engagements in your home, synagogue or JCC, consider inviting the following Israelis who will be in the US in the next few months:
JOEL GILBERT - filmmaker of ATOMIC JIHAD will be in New York Feb. 23, 24
MAYOR RON NACHMAN of Ariel, Israel, will be in New York from Feb. 19-25. His assistant, Avi Zimmerman, will be with him.
ANITA TUCKER, refugee from Netzer Hazani in Gush Katif, will be available for speaking engagements in the NY area from March 1-14.
Please contact AFSI to find out about other great speakers who will be travelling around the country and for further information: 800-235-3658.
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Britannia Radio