Obama's Executive Orders and the constitutional militia Don't vote for anyone pushing Comprehensive Immigration Reform Homosexual Imperialists Target Uganda Waiting for Godot
While a bit unusual, this column is going to be audio. Events are happening at hyper speed and I want to talk to you as we go through these items one by one so we can all see bigger picture. The Internet has literally been melting down the past week over the second, dangerous Executive Order issued by Marxist Barack Obama. Below are links to the documents I wish to bring to your attention. Not only are these Executive Orders an in your face blueprint for tyranny, the timing is what should concern everyone.........
by Devvy Kidd
This lack of clear focus on the effective enforcement of the immigration laws may also create problems within the ranks of the ICE special agents who are assigned to the critically important mission of working at visa issuing posts to try to prevent those foreign nationals seeking visas who may pose a threat to our nation, from receiving visas........
by Former INS agent Michael Cutler, Ret.
Homosexual media activists in the U.S. such as Rachel Maddow of MSNBC and Jonathan Capehart of the Washington Post have falsely depicted the bill in Uganda as an effort to kill homosexuals. In fact, it is designed to save lives by restricting dangerous homosexual practices, including pedophilia, child rape, and the deliberate spreading of the AIDS virus. The controversial death penalty provision, which even some.....
by Cliff Kincaid
Politicians who were elected to represent the best interests, wants and desires of their constituents, morph into petty, agenda driven competitors quick to eschew reason for partisanship. Sadly, this axiomatic reality is universal and not exclusive to any one party. Politics is supposed to be the art of compromise. However, increasingly, politics is a blood sport personifying the absolute worse elements of abuse of power under the......
by Geoff Metcalf
Saturday, 16 January 2010
January 16, 2010
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Britannia Radio