Thursday, 21 January 2010

January 21, 2010

The Hidden 14th Amendment agenda

The idea of an overbearing central government was repugnant to our founders. We fought bitter wars at the cost of hundreds of thousands of lives to get out from under such a government. Today, and since the 14th Amendment, the federal government has invaded every aspect of our lives. The hidden agenda of the 14th Amendment has been the total control of all the States of the Union and all the people, and the Constitution has been relegated to the history books by the superiority clause of this Amendment.........
by Michael LeMieux

Birds of a Feather

Hollywood is another political snake pit. I remember when I was in college all of those in the theatre department were weirdoes. "Theatre weirds" were what we "jocks" called them. I still hold that opinion today. I watched the other night as Larry King used the "theatre weirds" to raise money for Haiti. Most of those phonies give me the creeps. They would not make it very long in an NFL locker room. Birds of a feather flock together........
by Coach Dave Daubenmire

Muslims in 21st Century America: Growing Warning from Europeans

As you can see, Muslims terrorized any kind of free expression. They behead their women and stab ‘infidels’ like Theo Van Gogh for making a 10 minute movie written by a female Muslim Hersi Ali and put a ‘fatwa’ on her head: anyone is free to killer her at any time......
by Frosty Wooldridge