Rogers gives his predictions for 2010.
• Is The U.S. Economy Being Tanked By Mistake or By Intent?
Tennessee has followed Texas in demanding that dealers obtain licenses and turn over a plethora of information to authorities before being able to host a gun show in another devastating attack on the second amendment.
• Texas Gun Shows Organizer Targeted by the ATF Makes His Case on the Alex Jones Show
• Obama Administration Shuts Down Oldest Gun Show in Central Texas
• More Gun Control Nonsense
Barbara Honegger comments on ‘The Bush Legacy, a decade of pain’
It’s always a pleasure to receive a positive comment from a reader about your work. When the comment is a story itself that further illuminates your article in a whole new way, then that is something special.
‘Saudi jets bombard N Yemen, kill dozen’
Saudi fighter jets keep bombing Houthi positions in northern Yemen along the border the country shares with the oil-rich kingdom, killing more than a dozen people.
The British Broadcasting Corporation has put its weather forecasting contract out to tender – the first time since its radio broadcasts began in 1923 – after taking heat from the public for a string of embarrassingly inaccurate long-range weather forecasts.
• Stranger and Stranger
• Climate Science as a Game of Telephone
• Syed Hasnain, RK Pachauri and the mystery of the non-disappearing glaciers
• Pachauri used TERI email account to conduct official IPCC business