Just Journalism Newsletter 28 January 2010 Financial Times blames Israel for Middle East conflict and ignores Iran threat
Just Journalism today publishes 'Financial Times 2009: A year of Middle East editorials' analysing all 121 of the newspaper's editorials relating to the Middle East last year, and revealing a number of important trends.
The report is divided into four sections addressing the FT editorial column's position on:
1. Israel and the Palestinians: Leaders and efforts for peace
2. Key points of conflict: Settlements and Gaza
3. Iran: Nuclear ambitions and tensions with Israel
4. The Arab world: Regimes and peacemaking
The study shows that threats against Israel's existence issued by Iranian President Ahmadinejad were ignored in the paper's editorial column, yet the prospect of an Israeli attack on Iran's nuclear facilities was referred to on numerous occasions.
The FT also downplayed other factors in the other conflict such as terrorism and the political split between Hamas in Gaza and Fatah in the West Bank. By contrast, Israeli settlement activity was cited as the chief cause of tension between Israel and the Palestinians.
Read the full report here.Main conclusions of the report
· The FT views Israel as primarily responsible for the perpetuation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, while downplaying other factors. In particular it places the role of settlement-building in the West Bank above any other single factor affecting the conflict. Settlement-building is referred to as 'colonisation' in nine editorials
· Other aggravating factors such as terrorism, disunity within Palestinian ranks and a failure to accept Israel as a Jewish state are downplayed. Neither of these last two are addressed as areas of legitimate concern for Israel; rather, both are viewed as ploys by Israel to 'change the subject'
· The editorial coverage over the past year reflects a gradual shift away from the view that Iran's nuclear intentions might be peaceful towards the conclusion at the end of 2009 that they are not
· The prospect of an Israeli attack on Iranian nuclear facilities is referred to in five editorials; yet no Financial Times editorial in 2009 makes reference to the threatening rhetoric from Iran's President Ahmadinejad against Israel
· The publication backed the Goldstone Report, which described the Israeli military operation as 'a deliberately disproportionate attack designed to punish, humiliate and terrorize a civilian population'. The Financial Times described Israel's actions in Gaza as 'disproportionate' in four editorials
· Israeli political leaders are depicted as 'irredentist', 'hawkish', and 'ultra-nationalist'. In contrast, Palestinian leaders are portrayed as 'moderate' and 'conciliatory', if corrupt
· Israel's total military and civilian withdrawal from Gaza in August 2005 is not viewed as a meaningful Israeli concession, rather it is seen as inadequate at best, and a cynical ploy at worst
· The Arab world is portrayed as having made a substantial effort for peace in the broader Arab-Israeli conflict. The Saudi Peace Initiative of 2002 is touted in seven editorials and the newspaper expresses sympathy with the recent Arab refusal to meet Israeli concessions with Arab concessions
· Mixed attitudes towards the nature of Arab regimes are displayed. The newspaper attacks the West - the US in particular - for backing 'an ossified order of ... Arab strongmen' typified by the Mubarak regime in Egypt; however, Saudi Arabia is spared harsh criticism, particularly regarding its human rights record
For the full report and all our analysis, visit www.justjournalism.comResponses to the report
Just Journalism advisory board member Robin Shepherd, author of 'A State Beyond the Pale: Europe's Problem with Israel' and Director of International Affairs at The Henry Jackson Society, said:
'This report demonstrates that the FT has repeatedly disregarded salient facts when it comes to the Middle East and disproportionately blames Israel for the region's woes.'
'For a paper that prides itself on its high standards as an opinion-forming publication, it is regretful that much of the broader argumentation and wider context is being omitted.'
'The sidelining of Ahmadinejad's public threats against Israel in its discussion of Iran-Israel relations indicates a narrow approach in which Israel is usually viewed as an instigator of aggression but not a victim of it.'
'It was a surprise to see how sympathetic the FT was towards despotic regimes like Saudi Arabia given that its criticism of Israel was so harsh.'
'These findings may surprise the FT's readers, who tend to regard the FT as relatively apolitical compared to the other broadsheets.'
The report was submitted to the Financial Times for comment but Just Journalism has not yet received a response to the findings.For more information or to contact us, please visit www.justjournalism.com
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Thursday, 28 January 2010
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