Lawful Rebellion Chilling with Robert-Arthur: Menard 'We all see so much stuff on the web about the Freeman movement that it’s become difficult to decipher what is what, which can lead to the dilution of what the Freeman Society is actually about. This interview is an eye opener to any sceptics who think the Freeman philosophy revolves around pieces of paper to fight the Authorities. The Freeman Society is driven from the heart and gives the opportunity to all willing human beings a new life, closer to nature, which is how more of us should try one day very soon! This is quintessentially where the Freeman Society and Lawful Rebellion converge, because it’s all about knowing who you are in this life and making the most of it for yourself and everyone else to enjoy. So if anyone is out there wanting to avoid the clutches of the system, good luck, as whilst you’re in that Society (Law), easy answers and having the work done for you doesn’t go hand-in-hand with Freemanism or Lawful Rebellion.' The Castle of Kings in Bouillon 'In his writings ("Bloodlines of the Illuminati", p. 205) and speeches, Fritz Springmeier mentions a secret castle located near the village of Muno in Belgium. This castle would, according to him, be a center of the occult and have a cathedral inside with a dome with 1,000 lights. This castle is referred to as the Mothers-of-Darkness castle. Monarch programming would be performed on children there.' Britain is Ruled by 26 Illegal Brussels Sprouts 'So we are not to have a new Government until February 26. Furthermore, until that time all but one member of that Government is occupying their position illegally. Of course, I am here referring not to the silly little joustings between Messrs Brown and Cameron, as they fight for the right to run our provincial government here in Britain. Our real government, in that it now makes most of our laws, resides in Brussels, and on January 1, following the coming into force of the European Constitution (aka the Lisbon Treaty), we were due to get a new set of European Commissioners. But with the exception of its president, José Manuel Barroso, none of the appointees can take up their posts until hearings have been completed in the European Parliament.' Goldmann Sachs - Financial Terrorist Scum! (words by Max Keiser). Africom - Latest U.S. Bid to Recolonise Continent 'African revolutionaries now have to sleep with one eye open because the United States of America is not stopping at anything in its bid to establish Africom, a highly-equipped US army that will be permanently resident in Africa to oversee the country's imperialist interests. Towards the end of last year, the US government intensified its efforts to bring a permanent army to settle in Africa, dubbed the African Command (Africom) as a latest tool for the subtle recolonisation of Africa.' The 'False' Pandemic: Drug Firms Cashed in on Scare Over Swine Flu, Claims Euro Health Chief 'The swine flu outbreak was a 'false pandemic' driven by drug companies that stood to make billions of pounds from a worldwide scare, a leading health expert has claimed. Wolfgang Wodarg, head of health at the Council of Europe, accused the makers of flu drugs and vaccines of influencing the World Health Organisation's decision to declare a pandemic. This led to the pharmaceutical firms ensuring 'enormous gains', while countries, including the UK, 'squandered' their meagre health budgets, with millions being vaccinated against a relatively mild disease.
Monday, 11 January 2010
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Britannia Radio