>> FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 2010
So, the UK terror threat level is being raised from "substantial" to "severe",Home Secretary Alan Johnson has said. The BBC faithfully reports,,,, The new alert level means a terrorist attack is considered "highly likely". It had stood at substantial since July. It is in response to the perceived increased threat from international terrorism following the failed Detroit airliner bombing on Christmas Day. Mmm --- "international terrorism"? Mmmmm...Detroit airliner bombing?. Is there a WORD missing? I think it begins with "I..." DHIMMIS.
Mountains and Molehills
A relatively minor molehill has made into a mountain by the BBC because it casts Israelis in a bad light.
Robin Shepherd sets out the case against the BBC with his usual eloquence. Seen in conjunction with the BBC’s habitual glossing over of anything that might reveal the extent of Palestinian, Arab and Muslim anti-Semitism and bigotry, this distortion of priorities typifies the prism through which BBC lviews the world, and chooses to feed to us. It illustrates why this website exists.
“I have remarked many times that the BBC continues to run a profile of Hamas which excludes all reference to the group’s Holocaust denial and its Protocols of Zion style anti-Semitism. Despite vast amounts of evidence of the daily assault on the Jewish people from “moderate” Palestinian leaders such as Mahmoud Abbas, who wrote a doctorate denying the extent of the Holocaust, that too is censored out of the reporting. In my recent book, A State Beyond the Pale I also provide polling evidence showing that negative sentiment about Jews even in “friendly” Arab countries such as Egypt and Jordan runs at 97 and 98 percent respectively. Again, such realities are simply not referred to.
Without being aware of such a fundamental issue it is simply impossible to understand the Israeli point of view, which is presumably why the BBC is so adamant that it will not report on it.”