He's talking a great deal of tosh, but it sounds plausible. It's how you tell 'em. So says Diederik Samsom – the importance of which is conveyed by Klein Verzet who has obligingly supplied us with a translation from the Dutch. The ultimate irony of Charles's visit yesterday to the CRU is that there is an ongoing investigation by Jonathan Leake at The Sunday Times into the conspiracy of scientists at the unit to thwart Freedom of Information inquiries.
Marc Morano tells us: "The statist cabal that has ruled the climate debate since the UN IPCC's inception in 1988 is now tumbling down before our eyes. The so-called 'gold-standard' of scientific review turns out to be counterfeit. Global warming is now undergoing the fastest ever collapse of any modern political movement."
He is, perhaps, a tad premature – but he is not wrong. The wall is crumbling – even Pachauri's most loyal supporters, such as Andrew Weaver, is bailing out.
More will follow, but then we have to confront the fact that most of the "global warming" legislation in the UK is of EU origin. We will be confronting an organisation that has built its reputation on a failed religion – and then it will start to get really interesting, especailly as thegravy train reaches down to the lowest levels.
CLIMATE CHANGE – NEW THREAD"Global warming is heading to the same dustbin of history as Y2K, SARS and swine flu – another manufactured scare peddled primarily to make vast profits for corrupt elitists at the expense of the general public. The entire fraud is collapsing under the weight of its own lies as new revelations of IPCC deception and bias emerge on an almost daily basis thanks to the sterling work of climate skeptics who have had their convictions vindicated."
This is from Prison Planet - and there is much more to come.
If the Conservatives had any political acumen, they would be looking for ways to bail out, and make political capital out of Gordon Brown's continued and expensive commitment to the global warming scam. So far, though, there is no sign of that other "true believer", David Cameron, getting the message. In response to an e-mail from one of our readers about "Climategate", this was received from his office:Thank you very much for getting in touch with David Cameron about your concerns over the integrity of climate scientists at the IPCC. I apologise for the delay in replying but over the last couple of months there has been a huge increase in the number of e-mails David has received each day and it taking us a little longer than usual to reply to each one.
The fascinating thing about this response is that it demonstrates that Cameron, whose only claim to fame is that he is a politician, isn't even very good at politics. Anyone with their political antennae attuned to the public mood would realise that this line is a sure-fire loser.
I can see that you feel recent allegations have cast doubt over the case for climate change, and the integrity of the science. However, our view is that public policy on climate change has been built over many years, with input from a wide variety of expert sources, and we do need to significantly reduce our carbon emissions.
It is always right to keep an open mind, and question scientific theories. But, those in favour of doing nothing on the basis of scientific scepticism need to show that the risks we run by not acting are small and manageable. Given all the information and evidence we now have, that is a very difficult case to make.
I will, of course, ensure that David is made aware if your concerns, but I am afraid we may have to agree to disagree on this issue.
Whatever your views are, we cannot afford not to go green. The UK economy is still dependent for more than 90 per cent of its energy needs on fossil fuels, which increasingly come from imports. With the era of cheap oil now well and truly over, our fossil fuel dependency is making us uncompetitive and vulnerable to geopolitical shocks.
We can build a secure, prosperous future, but only if we start the work of transforming our national energy infrastructure now, by increasing energy efficiency and reducing dependence on imported fossil fuels.
Being at the cutting edge of new technologies in the energy industry is precisely the action that is needed to prevent the power cuts the Government is predicting by 2017, and it ensures that Britain's consumers and businesses are protected against the consequences of volatile and rising oil prices into the future.
We need to make the transition to a low carbon economy urgently, and I hope you'll agree that our plans for a Low Carbon Economy will help create hundreds of thousands of jobs, raise skills and improve Britain's competitiveness.
Thank you, once again, for taking the time and trouble to write.
But Cameron – like Prince Charles and much of the establishment – is a true believer. He will go down with the ship, wondering where the iceberg came from, complaining of the injustice of it all. But a man like that is not safe to let near government, any more so than the present incumbent. No one, with any conscience, can vote for such a fool.
The sad thing is that the polticians in this country - and the poltical blogosphere, which follows their agenda - are (with some very notable and honourable exceptions) in a state of denial. We can see this from the lack of coverage on the British political blogosphere, compared with the likes of this from Small Dead Animals.
Having not followed the issues, and largely incapable of understanding them, and without a political lead from their champions - who are also all at sea - that tiny, self-regarding corner of the blogosphere is silent. The political classes have retreated from politics - one of the most important and vibrant political issues of the day - engrossing themselves in navel-gazing which is almost pitiful to watch.
CLIMATE CHANGE – NEW THREADMore than half of the experts who advised the World Health Organisation (WHO) to declare swine flu a "pandemic" are linked to drug-makers that have reaped huge profits from untested vaccines and flu drugs.
This is from the Institute of Science in Society which tells us that eleven of the 20 members of the WHO Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (SAGE) have profited from work done for the pharmaceutical industry or are linked to it through their universities. Many have declared interests in GlaxoSmithKline, the vaccine maker that stands to benefit the most from the pandemic.
At the height of the pandemic scare, UK's Chief Medical Officer warned of up to 65,000 deaths. The death toll now stands at 251; and the UK Government is now trying to offload up to £1 billion worth of unwanted swine flu vaccines.
Among the three UK experts with industrial links is Prof Sir Roy Anderson – of Foot and Mouth fame - rector of Imperial College, London, also non-executive director of GlaxoSmithKline. He received £87,000 for six board meetings in 2008 and £29,000-worth of shares. Since the swine flu outbreak the shares have risen in value by more than 10 percent.
Earlier, we are told, a Danish newspaper revealed, through the Danish Freedom of Information Act, that Prof Juhani Eskola of SAGE and director of the Finnish research vaccine programme THL received nearly €6.3 million in 2009 for his research centre from GlaxoSmithKline, which was not declared on the WHO website. Seven other WHO experts have ties to the pharmaceutical industry, most of them not declared on the WHO website.
One member of SAGE, Dr. Albert Osterhaus at Erasmus University Rotterdam in The Netherlands, heads the European Scientists Fighting Influenza, and is financed by Baxter, Crucell, Novartis, Hoffmann-La Roche, MedImmune, Nobilon, Sanofi Pasteur, MSD, Glaxo SmithKline and Solvay. He was under investigation for gross conflict of interest, which dates back to the earlier bird flu scare.
And there we have another classic example of the nexus between "science", government and international organisations – especially the UN. Anyone who thinks the climate change industry is any different is in the land of the fairies. With global warming, as with any other scare, follow the money.
Even as the Prince was telling the crooks at the unit to "keep up the good work", Graham Smith, the deputy information commissioner was sending Leake a statement confirming that requests under the Freedom of Information Act were not dealt with as they should have been under the legislation.
And that, stated Smith, breached Section 77 of the Freedom of Information Act, which makes it an offence for public authorities to act so as to prevent intentionally the disclosure of requested information.
Watts up with that has been following the story and he reports in detail on a saga that is going to run and run.
Much more of this, though, and we will be adopting a new collective noun for scientists, which will become as natural to use a "gaggle of geese". Thus will pass into the English language, a "conspiracy of scientists".
James Delingpole is waxing indignant at the utterly crass remarks of HRH Prince Charles duringhis visit to the CRU in East Anglia yesterday.
"Well done all of you. Many, many congratulations on your work. I wish you great success in the future. Don't get downhearted by these little blips here and there!" says Charles to the bunch of degenerates masquerading as scientists.
For utter fatuity, this must rank alongside the Prince's bizarre comments when he went to Brussels in February 2008, where he told Barroso: "Determined and principled leadership has never been more needed. Surely, this is just the moment in history for which the European Union was created?"
To say that the man has lost it does not even begin to do justice to what is happening here. There is a profound, deeply-embedded malaise in the psyche of our establishment, and our body politic in general.
This is a complete retreat from reality. The myth of man-made "global warming" offers them the ultimate fantasy, where they can convince themselves they are "doing good" without ever having to deal with the real world, insulated as they are from the effects of their own stupidity.
As the edifice crumbles around them, we thus see them desperate to shore up their belief systems, retreating even deeper into their personal fantasies. But reality cannot be denied forever. Soon enough the reckoning ... it is coming.