Fascinating! Maybe this is what Malcolm Grant, UCL’s Provost for whom the Christmas Day activities of Abdulmutallab -- the former president of his campus Islamic society who was reputedly a fully fledged radical Islamist while at UCL -- came as a complete shock meant when he wrote on New Year’s Eve in the Times Higher Education Supplement: the UCL faculty of engineering sciences in which MrMonday, 4th January 2010
The blindness of academe
A correspondent reveals that, in a striking coincidence, Samar Alami, who was convicted of detonating a car bomb outside the Israel embassy in London in 1994, attended the same Engineering Faculty at University College London as the Christmas Day ‘underpants bomber’ Umar Abdulmutallab. Alami, a Lebanese-Palestinian woman, gained a B.Sc. in Chemical Engineering from UCL in 1987, followed by an M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering from Imperial College, London in 1988.
Tuesday, 5 January 2010
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Britannia Radio