Monday, January 11, 2010
Turkey Takes Aim at Israel's Nuclear Deterrent
Alternative History Inspired by Today's Headlines
President Reaffirms Readiness for Peace Talks With Germany,
Defends Decision to Allow Grand Mufti to Address New Bund
WASHINGTON, D.C., Jan. 11, 1946 (Alternative History News Service) .... With the war against European extremism now in its fifth year, U.S. President Heinz Schmekelmeister today reaffirmed his readiness to engage reconcilable factions of Germany's Nazi party in the hope of achieving a negotiated settlement with the resurgent Reich, while again ruling out talks with members of the elite SS and other "violent extremists" suspected of conducting war crimes against Jews and other minorities.
But the President, who has made outreach to the German speaking world the foundation of his foreign policy, said he was encouraged by recent suggestions from German officials that Germans and Americans charged with war crimes should be tried in civilian courts.The President also strongly defended his decision to allow the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, a German ally who resides in Berlin, to visit the United States next month in order to address a meeting of the New German American Bund. The rally, which will be held in New York City's Madison Square Garden, will feature a keynote speech by the acclaimed aviator and anti-war activist Charles Lindbergh, whose growing legions of supporters are increasingly challenging the President to make peace with Germany.
"It is only fitting that the Mufti, who represents one of the world's great monotheistic faiths," should be invited and allowed to speak to Christian Americans," President Schmekelmeister said.
The President made his comments in a wide-ranging interview with a correspondent for politically neutral Portugal's Lisbon-based German language radio service. A transcript appears below.
Monday, 11 January 2010
Turkey's crypto-Islamist prime minister has lashed out at Israel, accusing it of endangering world peace, with a focus on its presumed nuclear arsenal, a vital deterrent against annihilation attempts. Click here for the story.
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Britannia Radio