Tuesday, 12 January 2010
In Association with the Libertarian International
Release Date: Monday 12th January 2010
Release Time: Immediate
Contact Details:
Dr Sean Gabb, 07956 472 199,
For other contact and link details, see the foot of this message
Release url:
The Libertarian Alliance, the radical free market and civil liberties
institute, today condemns the banning of the radical group Islam4UK as a
violation of the right to freedom of speech. [Under the Terrorism Act
2000, a group can be banned if it "commits or participates in acts of
terrorism, prepares for, promotes or encourages terrorism or is otherwise
concerned in terrorism". Islam4UK disagrees with the Western occupation of
Afghanistan, and has made its opposition plain. The banning order will
come into effect on Thursday and wil make it a criminal offence to be a
member, punishable by up to 10 years in prison.]
Speaking today in London, Dr Sean Gabb, Director of the Libertarian
Alliance, comments:
"The rights to freedom of speech and association are fundamental to a free
society. So far as these rights are diminished, that society becomes less
free. I was born in a country where these rights had been enjoyed for
centuries. I have reached middle age in a politically correct police state
where the Government is now trying to criminalise dissent.
"We do not agree that British soldiers in Afghanistan are rapists and
murderers. We were offended by the decision of Islam4UK to say this in a
march. We certainly would not welcome the transformation of this country
into an Islamic state, which is desired by Islam4UK. However, the group
has not attacked life or property within the United Kingdom, nor has it
recommended attacks on the life or property of any identifiable British
individual. This makes the group a victim of oppression by the British
"Just because we may disagree with or be offended by certain views does
not give us the right to suppress those views. We support the right of
Islam4UK to oppose the war in Afghanistan and to argue for an Islamic
takeover of the United Kingdom. In the same way, we support the right of
others to argue that Moslems should have no right to live in the United
Kingdom. The Libertarian Alliance believes in equal liberty for all to
speak their minds. Free speech that does not include the right to give
offence is not free speech. It is the political equivalent of
decaffeinated coffee.
"If people are upset by what they read or hear, let them ignore it or
argue against it. There is no place in such debates for the Thought Police."
The Libertarian Alliance believes:
* That the Race Relations Act 1976 should be repealed;
* That the Race Relations Amendment Act 2000 should be repealed;
* That, pending repeal, the Race Regulations subsequent to these Acts
should be withdrawn;
* That those sections of the Public Order Act 1986 dealing with speech and
publication should be repealed;
* That those sections of the Criminal Justice Act 1998 dealing with
"racial aggravation" of offences should be repealed;
* That the Commission for Racial Equality and all similar organisations
should be abolished, and their records burned;
* That the Racial and Religious Hatred Act 2006 should be repealed;
* That all the Terrorist Acts should be repealed;
* That all those convicted of thought crimes under the above laws should
be pardoned and, where appropriate, compensated;
* That the Human Rights Act 1998 should be amended to protect the right of
people to say anything they like about public issues, and to associate or
not associate as they please.
Note(s) to Editors
Dr Sean Gabb is the Director of the Libertarian Alliance. His latest book,
Cultural Revolution, Culture War: How Conservatives Lost England, and How
It may also be bought. His other books are available from Hampden Press at
Extended Contact Details:
The Libertarian Alliance is Britain's most radical free market and civil
liberties policy institute. It has published over 700 articles, pamphlets
and books in support of freedom and against statism in all its forms.
Our postal address is
The Libertarian Alliance
Suite 35
2 Lansdowne Row
Tel: 07956 472 199
Associated Organisations
organisation to the Libertarian Alliance. Its mission is to coordinate
various initiatives in the defence of individual liberty throughout the
a million words of writings on themes interesting to libertarians and
the Libertarian Alliance.
member Christian Michel, Liberalia publishes in-depth papers in French and
English on libertarianism and free enterprise. It is a prime source of
documentation on these issues for students and scholars.
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Britannia Radio