endObama Signs Martial Law Executive Order!
Wednesday, 13 January 2010
There is no easy way of saying this: America is heading towards economic collapse, social collapse, financial collapse …. unrest … riots …food shortage… martial law! The snakes know it. They are preparing for it because they know they are guilty of screwing the country big time. It is bad enough that these corrupt politicians take money.
It is worse when they don’t even do a decent job and sell the country out to banksters and their military industrial complex. When the banksters have completed the rape of the country’s wealth, they will trigger false flag terror, start wars … and use the sheeple as cannon fodder for world conquest.
Unfortunately, most Americans are simply blind to the writing on the wall. So were the decent German folks when Hitler came on the scene.
New Executive Order Signed by Obama Effectively Creates Structure of Military Governors for Martial Law
One must read this one closely but when it dawns on you that the 10 Governors to be appointed by the President
will perhaps soon correspond to the 10 FEMA REGIONS and effectively will be under the Secretary of Defense and hence the President in a system of Regional Military Governors over all States, not just the States they might be from, you might just experience a chill up your spine. Note that then all States in essence have been taken over at least on paper by the President and will be administered Militarily. Read carefully Section -2 Functions, of this Executive Order and you will clearly see how inclusive these functions can be……. especially Item e which has language sufficiently broad and loose that a Tank Battalion could be driven through it.
Americans had better understand that this Executive Order along with all of those previously signed ,and with Presidential Decision Directive 51 and others will be used to destroy the Constitution and Bill of Rights and to render each American effectively into nothing more than a member of a work gang subject to control of the Regional Military Governor who is under the Secdef who is under the President. Posse Comitatus then is dead, Habeas Corpus is dead, Bill of Rights is dead, and only the whims and subjective decisions of the Regional Military Governor, as directed by the President via the Secretary of Defense and executed by Northcom troopers who now include U.S. , Canadian, Mexican, and other Foreign troops as well as Mercenaries and the States’ National Guards, Militias, and Police agencies will be the Iron Fist Rule of the Land. ….. Here is the link to the PDF of the Executive Order. Read it and weep for America.
It looks as though President Obama today has taken his first step towards martial law in America. I just pulled this piece off the wires which indicates the issuance of his new executive order. This order sets up the framework for the use of federal troops and the combination of state and federal agencies under the Defence Department. This is startling news for many reasons. Why now? Why now?
The German National Socialists used the term Gleichschaltung to describe the “coordination” or “synchronization” of all government functions by centralizing power in the Chief Executive. This process was carried out through a series of executive decrees supposedly authorized by the 1933 Enabling Act, formally known as the “Law for Removing the Distress of People and Reich.”
The September 14, 2001 “Authorization for Use of Military Force” has served a similar function for both George W. Bush and Barack Obama. That measure has been invoked to justify the war in Iraq, the institutionalization of torture, the presidential designation of individuals as “unlawful enemy combatants,” the summary execution of suspected terrorists by means of unmanned Predator drones, and other tyrannical exercises of presidential “authority” in the context of the “war on terror.”
Yesterday (January 11), Barack Obama added another critical element to the architecture of wartime presidential dictatorship by signing an executive order establishing a “Council of Governors” for the supposed purpose of strengthening federal-state “partnership” in military and homeland security affairs.
The body would consist of a bipartisan panel of ten state governors who will “meet at the call” of various executive functionaries, including the Secretaries of Defense and Homeland Security to assist the Supreme Leader in carrying out the “synchronization” — again, what the Nazis called Gleichschaltung — “and integration of State and Federal military activities in the United States.”
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