A quote from Paul Belien in The Mail on Sunday, 3 January 2010 There is ominous symbolism in a Belgian ruling the EU. During the Second World War, Churchill called the Belgians ‘the most contemptible of all – a nation which vainly hoped to stay out of this war, no matter what they owed to those who had saved them in the last war’. Yet the Belgian political model has since then stealthily conquered Britain, turning Brussels, not London, into the centre of power from which decisions are imposed on the British people. Numerous past European travelers to America have commented on the apparent importance of religion to (most) Americans. Some did so in a positive way, while others appeared to be more prejudicial. Among the former, Alexis de Tocqueville’s “Democracy in America” from the 1820’s remains a classic work of reference, but this article will be more concerned with the opinions of a contemporary commentator, Josef Joffe, the editor/publisher of the German newspaper Die Zeit in Hamburg, Germany(*). George Handlery about the week that was. The governing class, its power and wealth. State intervention and curing the market cures. Separating state and church was easier than untying the government and the economy. Is the choice between honest poverty and crooked wealth? The interests of the “state class” and the people. How neutral can the state be? Wealth, well-being and the state. Competition, uniform EU taxes and its beneficiaries. 1. We had time to get used to the devastating instinctive reflex that resorts to big, or more correctly, even bigger government. This impulse is not entirely explained by the trust of the public and of the behavior-shaping class of influence-yielders in government intervention. Much of the intuitive reaction of the governing class is caused by its subconscious wish for dependent clients. An independent entrepreneurial class might be beneficial if general wealth is to be created. Albeit productive, docile and submissive this class will not be. This disinclination will be proportional to this element’s economic success. Defiance will also be reflected in the attitude of previously depressed classes as these rise and attain relative economic well being.Ominous Symbolism
Religious Divide Across The Atlantic
How to Make Europe A Safe Place For Cartoonists Once More
The older you get, the less you have to lose.” That is the answer which the 74 year old Kurt Westergaard gives when you ask him how afraid he is of being assassinated. Since he drew a cartoon of Muhammed with a bomb in his turban, in 2005, he has been living under constant death threats from Muslims. The Danish state security and secret services, the PET, have watched over Kurt and his wife Gitte ever since. “My pets take good care of me,” he says. Kurt needs it. Regularly plots to murder him are uncovered. In 2008 the PET arrested two Tunisians who were planning to force their way into the Westergaard home and assassinate the cartoonist. Yesterday evening, the Danish police shot a Somali man who had forced his way into Kurt’s home with an axe.Duly Noted: Wealth, Wellbeing and the State
Sunday, 3 January 2010
From the desk of The Brussels Journal on Sun, 2010-01-03 09:55
» 1 comment | 140 reads
From the desk of Marc Huybrechts on Sat, 2010-01-02 15:23
» 1 comment | 1053 reads
From the desk of Thomas Landen on Sat, 2010-01-02 14:33
» 5 comments | 794 reads
From the desk of George Handlery on Sat, 2010-01-02 12:56
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