Friday, 29 January 2010

Osborne is an Arrogant Prat – Chris Dillow
Jim Murphy : Gordon Brown is Rubbish –
We Can Make You Behave – George Osborne & Richard Thaler
Terrific, Baroness Ashton has Made a Dreadful Start – Speccie
Standard & Poors : UK Economy No Longer Stable – Reuters
Beware the Power of the Tweet – Will Straw
The Global Warming Dam is Cracking – Andrew Neil
EyeSpy.MP Blurts Vices on Twitter –
Left-wing Tweetminster Fiddle the Sums – Tory Bear
Eton Helps Cameroons – Dan Hannan
Voters Prefer Airbrushed Politicians - Telegraph
Libertarian Britain – ConservativeHome

Scottish Secretary Jim Murphy says

“Sometimes he is rubbish on telly and that is the truth and I have said it before and in a 

world where the premium is on a seven-second clip or a soundbite, Gordon and his intellect

 do not fit into seven seconds.”