Very useful summary of the Pachauri-gate affair over on this site – but then I would say that.First, as we reported yesterday, we have the £30,417 donated by DEFRA, paid to TERI Europe via Cambridge University to cover Pachauri's salary and travel in producing a Synthesis Report of the IPCC AR4.
Then, gleaned from the IRS return submitted by TERI-NA (North America) for the financial year ending in 2009, we get the information that a $27,000 donation was made by the Germehausen Foundation, "to support outreach efforts on the fourth assessment report of the IPCC." The cash was remitted to TERI India, its obvious intended recipient being R K Pachauri.
Now we have the European Climate Foundation which, in the grant year 2009, makes a donation of an unspecified amount, direct to TERI India. This is to "facilitate meetings between Dr R K Pachauri and key European decision makers in support of an international agreement on climate change."
This one should be of special interest to James Delingpole who reveals in his latest piece that he has a family friend who works for the Foundation. Perhaps he can ask him next time they meet how much cash went Dr Pachauri's way.
What we are seeing here though is an interesting modus vivendi - three different payments to support the chairman of the IPCC, yet each payment is made by a different organisation to a different organisation – one in the US, one in the UK and one in India. No one knows what the other is doing - except Pachauri, of course.
On top of that, of course, multi-millionaire businessman Pachauri has a separate funding stream from the IPCC, which pays his salary and – crucially – his travel expenses. Already, we have seen him claim from the IPCC for a journeys to London and Delhi which were clearly private business.
This scam, it seems, was also played out in China when the good doctor claims a trip from Aomori in Japan to Peking on 23 April 2007, to attend a Low-carbon Economy Seminar of the China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development, then flying off to Bangkok on 29 April.
On the participants' list, he is indentified as the "Director General, TATA Energy Research Institute, India" (someone has not told the Chinese about the name change) and it is clear from a subsequent event that Pachauri is doing business on behalf of TERI with the Chinese.
Pachauri is in fact a member of the China Council and one wonders which – or how many – people paid his expenses for the meetings. It takes until 2008 before he is described as Director General, the Energy & Resources Institute, India and Chair of UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which presumably then allows him to claim legally from the IPCC.
With so many paymasters though, and such a multiplicity of payment routes, Pachauri's financial affairs should be raising these sort of alarm signals. This man, however, seems to be above the law.
PACHAURI THREADJohn Page over on Purple Scorpion puts the "TERI affair" superbly into context - with WFW picking up the theme as well - noting the sort of crass waste of money recorded here is part of our foreign aid budget, which David Cameron wants to protect.
One should note from this scandalous announcementthe insidious role of the British Council. It seems to have become the international cheer-leader for the global warming religion – at the taxpayers' expense – so much so that it dedicates a specific website to the worship of its new gods.
Just how much this institution has deteriorated is illustrated by its choice of personnel. Readers will recall the infamous Dr Viner of the Climatic Research Unit who in 2001 was telling The Independent that within a few years winter snowfall would become "a very rare and exciting event".
Still being eulogised by the BBC a couple of years ago, he has now found a new niche as head of the British Council's climate change programme, with the Orwellian task of indoctrinating "younger generations" in 60 countries with the mantras of the warmist creed.
The amount of money that is being frittered away on these fatuous – if dangerous – programmes is quite staggering. And it is not the first time that TERI has been the beneficiary.
In May last, DFID officials in India were were subjected to a two-day "exposure programme on climate change" organised by TERI, which "sensitized the participants with latest developments on various issues related to climate change with a focus on science, mitigation, adaptation and policy aspects."
Then there has been the long-standing Indian Climate Champions programme, sponsored by the British Council, which started in December 2008. It is jointly managed and implemented by TERI, the British Council and the British High Commission across India and Sri Lanka.
This is part of an international effort which has the taxpayer funding German teenagers (pictured top left) to wave "climate justice" banners outside the Bella Centre in Copenhagen, with more teenage activists inside (above) - the British Council all while keeping up its flow of propagandaon its blog, offering us such delights as: "Dr Pachauri has been phenomenal in his role at IPCC and the fourth assessment report of IPCC is the basis for all scientific information on climate change."
Is this really what we pay our taxes for?
Now, with £10 million more of hard-pressed British taxpayers' money about to flow into the coffers of an organisation owned by a multi-millionaire businessman by the name of Dr R K Pachauri, it would be highly germane to question whether David Cameron has all his marbles in place, wanting to protect this funding stream.
When you get stories like this and then look at that they've spent on their obsession, homicide comes to mind.
Sooner, rather than later, there has to be a reckoning.