Psycho France Plans 'Google Tax' On Internet Searches 'The levy on advertising revenue is the latest plank in France's drive to regulate the internet, which has seen it enact some of the world's toughest antipiracy legislation. Besides Google, the tax would target other large operators in Europe such as Microsoft and Yahoo! whether or not their offices are in France. Google's European headquarters are in Ireland, but under the proposal, the operator would pay a levy every time a French internet user clicks on an advertising banner or sponsored link on its sites.' TSA is Funding Mind Reading Scanners 'Amid the media furor over the attempted Christmas Day attacks and a renewed political focus on enhancing airport security, attention is turning to a technological advancement that will have civil rights activists -- or, for that matter, anyone with a secret --seriously worried: Mind-reading machines. "As far-fetched as that sounds, systems that aim to get inside an evildoer's head are among the proposals floated by security experts thinking beyond the X-ray machines and metal detectors used on millions of passengers and bags each year," AP's Michael Tarm reports. Tarm focuses on an Israeli company called WeCU Technologies (as in "we see you"), which is building a system that would turn airport waiting areas into arenas for Pavlovian behavioral tests.' Let the Plunder Begin: The Return of Robert Rubin 'So, the real goal is to slash spending to impose onerous austerity measures that will lay the groundwork for dismantling critical social programs, like Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare. That’s why Rubin is working hand-in-hand with his allies in and out of the White House. It has nothing to do with what’s best for the country. It’s another looting operation spearheaded by the same band of Wall Street pirates who just blew up the financial system...' Empowering Tax Supported Local Media to Peddle 'Approved' Climate News 'Internews is an international media development organization whose mission is to empower local media worldwide to give people the news and information they need, the ability to connect, and the means to make their voices heard. This sounds like a laudable goal, but like many roads paved with good intentions...well, you know where that goes. In particular, this group has a curious idea of what "balanced" reporting means when it comes to global warming alarmism.' The Coming Fury Of An Angry America 'The American middle class will not spend its way out of disaster, if only because it can't. There are no savings. The house is worthless. The credit cards are gone. Jobs are disappearing. Today is bad and tomorrow looks worse. People are nervous, frightened, worried. They are behind in the mortgage, and struggle to make health insurance payments. All the while, they watch the stock market explode, the bonuses arrogantly roll on, and their government lie to their faces that the "recovery" is underway. China is booming, so is India and Brazil. Beneath the hope, patriotism, and the flag, the American middle class can feel it all slipping away.' Michele Bachmann Warns: 'Financial Bill Worse Than Healthcare Measure' ' “I know that’s hard to believe, but it is worse in the sense that every American makes financial transactions,” said Michele Bachmann, who represents the people of Minnesota’s Sixth Congressional District. “We all use credit cards, we all write checks. This will all now be controlled by government, and government will ration credit. You can’t have capitalism without capital, and government will decide who gets capital and who doesn’t.” “The entirety of this bill — all pinned together like this — hasn’t even gone through committees,” Bachmann said. “It just went on the floor for three hours of debate. It’s a complete government control of the financial services industry and no one knows about it!” ' Over the holiday period, the healer and health and science researcher, Mike Lambert, said he knew what was being dropped from the sky and he took me, and my artist friend, Neil Hague, on a walk across the town following what was clearly the flight path of the aircraft. It passed virtually over my home and his.
Chewing gum? No, it’s not.
The David Icke Newsletter Goes Out On Sunday
Mike knew the flight path because he was following the trail of what looked like, at first sight, thousands of pieces of chewing gum on the pavements and paths. It was clear in a moment that this was not chewing gum by the sheer volume of it everywhere we walked ...
... Mike said that he first came across the ‘gum’ 20 years ago when he was a professional health investigator and his interest was renewed when he began to see it all over Ryde.
His view is that the ‘gum’ is a carrier vehicle for viruses or poisons aimed at the population and his guess is that the origin is somewhere like the biological weapons research establishment at Porton Down, near Salisbury in Wiltshire, home to the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory, an agency of the Ministry of Defence. This is a very sinister place indeed ...
... Mike sent samples of the ‘gum’ for laboratory analysis, but he was told that it would have to be sent on to a more sophisticated laboratory to establish what it is. We await the results on that, delayed by the extreme weather we are having in the UK, but a scientist at the first laboratory did say that it appeared to be some kind of latex material and in her view it was probably carrying a pesticide-type substance or ‘of that family’.
Saturday, 9 January 2010
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Britannia Radio