Wednesday, 27 January 2010


The UK Flying Pigs Club, from left:
Andrew Burnham MP - Health Secretary of State
Fear Marketeer Sir Liam Donaldson - Chief Medical Officer (soon to be ex)
'Vaccines Basil', Professor David Salisbury - UK Government Vaccines Director
Gillian Merron MP - Parliamentary vaccines propagandist
(Caption & Pic Courtesy Of One Click)
Drug companies manipulated the World Health Organisation into downgrading its definition of a pandemic so they could cash in on a swine flu outbreak, it is claimed. An inquiry heard yesterday that the WHO allegedly softened its criteria for declaring a H1N1 flu pandemic last spring - just weeks before announcing there was a worldwide outbreak. Critics said the decision was driven by pharmaceutical companies desperate to recoup the billions of pounds they had invested in researching and developing pandemic vaccines after the bird flu scares in 2006 and 2007. The UK Government is now trying to off-load millions of jabs it ordered at the height of the scare. Sources say it is even considering giving some doses away for free.
Staff Reporter, Daily Mail
Related Links:
The Press Association / The One Click Group

Swine flu is under scrutiny once again as pharmaceutical companies are being accused of hyping up a “false pandemic”. The Council of Europe has put the virus on its winter agenda, which starts on Monday. The joint profits of all the pharmaceutical organizations in Ukraine in October 2009 alone amounted to over $200 million, which was more than they had earned during the entire year before. “The WHO installed a private public partnership with pharmaceutical companies that started some eight years ago, and it seems that the pharmaceutical industry has very successfully influenced it because they had a lot profit with two false alarms of the WHO,” exclaimed Dr Wolfgang Wodarg, the Chairman of the PACE Health Committee.
Staff Writer, RT
Related Links:
F. William Engdahl, Global Research 

At least seven pregnant women have suffered a miscarriage or fetal deaths after being given the H1N1 vaccine in Hong Kong. Six had their cases reported to the Center for Health Protection of Hong Kong's Department of Health including four who had been pregnant for no longer than six months, the Hong Kong-based Wen Wei Po newspaper reported yesterday. The seventh, a 39-year-old woman, suffered a miscarriage last Thursday at Princess Margaret Hospital after taking the vaccine last month. She is considering seeking civil compensation.
Li Xinran, Shanghai Daily

Kay Gilderdale
Kay Gilderdale is beginning the rest of her life. For the first time in 18 years she has experienced something like relief, the shadow cast by her daughter’s tormented life, and the traumatic manner of its end, lifted at last. “She had just had a vaccination when she came down with something,” remembered Mrs Gilderdale. For 17 years her daughter had endured a twilight life, confined to bed at home, shielded by curtains from the natural light she was unable to bear. Lynn suffered from chronic fatigue syndrome, better known as ME.
Neil Tweedie, The Independent

DNA database has criminalised black Britain
Campaigners have welcomed a new online petition calling on the Government to address the discriminatory way the DNA database is currently used within the Crime and Security Bill. Race equality experts warn that the database now poses one of the most serious threats to race relations to date. They say that there is a danger that it will shatter the communities trust in crime prevention agencies if the Government does not put this right and commit to deleting the records of every single person from the DNA database.
Staff Writer, Black Mental Health UK

On Thursday 28 January 2010 at 2pm the General Medical Council Panel will announce the findings of fact in the hearing of Dr Andrew Wakefield, Professor John Walker-Smith and Professor Simon Murch. As guidance, the Panel will be deciding whether the alleged facts against the doctors are proved. There will not be a decision on Serious Professional Misconduct or sanction. If it is necessary to go on to the second stage of the proceedings all parties have agreed the following dates: 7 April - 11 June 2010. The allegations against the doctors are listed HERE.
Information Release, The One Click Group

CryShame is again organising a demonstration of support for the doctors outside the GMC building on the day, and we urge you to join us. This will be a landmark day in the long and exhausting fight to get justice for our children. Hope to see you there.
Information Release, CryShame

A JUDGE at Sheffield Crown Court asked the Doncaster Safeguarding Children Board to show him the full serious case review on the Edlington case, which was before him. They turned his request down. The BBC, who have a leaked copy, revealed that it shows “very serious shortcomings” by care professionals, a failure “to comply with legal duties” and 31 missed chances to do something to stop two boys becoming monsters. The Safeguarding Board is thus able to hide their failure to safeguard and not even a judge can over-rule them. How long before we accept that the protection of children in this country is not only not working, it is in itself a threat to the children it professes to safeguard?
Denise Robertson, Western Mail

A SOCIAL worker has been suspended for two years after fraudulently claiming more than £4,000 in travel expenses while working for Oldham council. Michael Wrenn, 62, filled in blank taxi receipts while he was a case manager in the youth offending service. In June last year, Wrenn admitted 16 charges of false accounting at Chester Crown Court and asked for a further 10 charges to lie on file. He was given a two-year conditional discharge. Wrenn had narrowly escaped being kicked out of the profession. 
Charlotte Gray, Manchester Evening News

A social worker has appeared before a disciplinary hearing charged with misconduct following the "suspicious" death of a baby in London. Elizabeth De Souza-Oyewole took three days to pass on to bosses her note of a conversation with a police officer in which he told her of the death of a child known to social services. The hearing was told Sutton Council began disciplinary proceedings again after a second incident following her return to work on March 2 2007. She has been accused of placing a 17-year-old resident in a care home at "potential" risk after she failed to start inquiries following a phone call from his mother alleging that a member of staff had "grabbed him by the throat".
The Press Association