Saturday, January 09, 2010
Lunatic US Filmmaker Seeks to 'Understand' Hitler
Click here for the sickening story.31 Years Ago, Jimmy Carter Betrayed the Shah
Obama 'Extremist' Defends Terrorist Son
Who Could Have Imagined President BHO on 9/12?
On 9/12, who could have imagined Barack Hussein Obama's ascent to the White House?
Since taking office, America's first Muslim-born (according to Islamic law) Third World-American (his Muslim father was a Kenyan socialist) President has made engagement (appeasement and accommodation) of Islamist nations and groups the central feature of his foreign policy. BHO has given Islamist Iran an additional year to develop nuclear weapons, while warning Israel against attacking Iran and relentlessly pressuring the Jewish State to withdraw to indefensible borders in order to make possible the formation of an Islamist-ruled terror state with East Jerusalem as its capital; embraced the Islamist idea of a so-called Muslim world, transcending political boundaries, race, and ethnicity, united by belief in "the holy Koran," which he delights in quoting; bowed to the Saudi King, deeply and submissively, like a Muslim servant; apologized for alleged American sins against Muslim and other Third World nations; reached out to Islamist terrorist and front groups at home and abroad, including the Foreign Terrorist Organizations Hamas and Hezbollah, which initially welcomed his election, and allegedly "reconcilable" elements of the resurgent Taliban; and downgraded the War on Terror to a law enforcement battle with Al Qaeda--the only Islamist group that is for the time being still beyond the pale of engagement--by (a) deciding to bring 9/11 mastermind KSM and other alien enemy combatant war criminals to New York City for a civilian court trial, and (b) referring to terrorists as "extremists" and "suspects" and to Islamist terrorist acts as "manmade disasters."
Obama has also wildly exaggerated the size of the U.S. Muslim population in order to increase its importance; falsely claimed that Islam helped "shape" the nation; crawled to Turkey's crypto-Islamist, Iran-backing government and supported its bid for EU membership, and backed burqa-wearing in France and a menacing European-Mediterranean pact that promises to flood the Continent with 50 million additional Muslims from North Africa.
Most recently, Obama has refused to "connect the dots" between the Fort Hood massacre, the slaughter of CIA employees in Afghanistan, and the attempted Christmas Day bombing of a U.S. airliner bound for (Islamist-friendly) Detroit, and between his administration's insane insistence on differentiating between visa-eligible, alien Islamist "extremists" and visa-ineligible--no-fly--"terrorists" and the equally insane decision to treat the aforementioned airline attacker--a Nigerian Islamist--as a criminal "suspect," entitled to a civilian court trial, a public defender, and a plea arrangement.
It is time for U.S. voters to connect the dots ... between a perfidious, possible plea bargain with an Islamist terrorist and an even more perfidious Grand Bargain that Obama desperately sought with nuclear-arming Iran ... to pacify Pakistan (which Obama pronounces like a Pakistani) and Afghanistan (which he strangely still pronounces like a Midwesterner) ... and face up to the fact that the U.S. has a President who is ideologically, philosophically ... and perhaps also mentally and emotionally ... incapable of defending the world's greatest democracy and last, best hope for civilization.
Sunday, 10 January 2010
America's most anti-American filmmaker--a real lunatic--is producing a project that aims to put Hitler and Stalin "in context."
and helped the Islamist monster come to power in Iran.
An angry Muslim whom U.S. President Barack Obama would probably identify as an "extremist" entitled to fly into the United States--the anti-American father of the mass-murdering, Islamist terrorist who slaughtered seven CIA employees in Afghanistan in a shocking suicide bombing--has spoken out in defense of his demented son. Click herefor the story. Notice the paper's use of "extremist" and "militant."
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Britannia Radio