Migration threatens the DNA of our nation Now foreign footballers must carry ID cards BY GEORGE HE'S GOT IT LET CHRISTIAN MIGRANTS IN FIRST, DEMANDS CAREY Joan Smith: Lord Carey's nostalgia for a country that never existedA selection of recent media reports
If we are to stop the extreme Right, we must respond to real fears over the number and nature of those coming to Britain
Timesonline (07-Jan-2010)
FOREIGN footballers will have to carry an identity card in future to prove who they are. Professionals from outside the European Union playing in the UK will have to apply for a card when they renew their visas, the Home Office said...
The Scotsman (07-Jan-2010)
IN breaking free of the pro-immigration consensus of the British establishment, George Carey is showing notable...
Daily Express (07-Jan-2010)
IMMIGRANTS committed to Britain s Christian values should be given priority to enter this country, a former Archbishop of Canterbury said...
Daily Express (07-Jan-2010)
Those fearful of population growth should call for more birth...
The Independent (07-Jan-2010)
Thursday, 7 January 2010
Posted by Britannia Radio at 14:21