Codeword Barbêlôn—Danger in the Vatican: the Sons of Loyola and Their Plans for World Domination is a groundbreaking book that gives an extraordinary account of international power and intrigue which drops a bombshell, of some magnitude, into the lap of the reader. Originally published by Lux-Verbi Books in 2008. A hard-hitting exposé of the secret political and religious forces behind the global New World Order.... "A gripping tell-all book, as unforgettable as it is daring... A Controversial… and hard hitting exposé of the powers that be... will outlive all of its critics." WE GUARANTEE that the reader will be charmed, and must be, by the wit and eloquence, the force and fire of every page of this groundbreaking book. It gives an extraordinary account of international power and intrigue, dropping a bombshell, of some magnitude, into the lap of the reader. A work of great insight and moral courage, Codeword Barbêlôn is a ‘tough book,’ it contains no compromise, no apologies, and no vagaries; it spares no characters, high or low.... This book uncovers a plot so sinister that as ex-FBI Director, J. Edgar Hoover had to admit: “The individual... coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous... cannot believe it exists.” Indeed “the few who are aware of it, dare not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.” An instance of high scholarship and intelligence, this book is a must-read for anyone who cares about our world. The author, P.D. Stuart reveals, amongst other things, that "Bill Clinton’s Jesuit professor, Carroll Quigley, confessed that Skull and Bones member William C. Whitney and others developed a plan that would allow the control of both major political parties in the United States by means of financial contributions, and have those parties alternate power so that the public would think it had a choice. This confirms what Professor Miller said about the “Republicans and the Democrats… [being] in fact two branches of the same (secret) party.” – Prof. Carroll Quigley, S.J., see, Tragedy and Hope, p. 3. In this book you will learn who controls this secret government, for as P.D. Stuart reveals that the real aim of this hidden global power is not just political or even financial, but "Civitas Dei" (to create a "Commonwealth of God"). Do you still ask, why you should care about what is written in this book? You shouldn’t; go back to sleep, all is well. Contacts: John Stewart, Tel.: (USA) To borrow the words of Henry Lincoln, "Something extraordinary is waiting to be found...." Thoroughly thought-Provoking... A powerful and hard-hitting exposé of those "who have bound themselves up in secret societies and by secret pact." ISBN-13: 978-0954359669 Codeword Barbêlôn retails at: $28.99USD/ 18.99GBP The book can be ordered in the UK (GBP) US ($)or Canada ($CAD) or on; and from Laymen Ministries: Bookstores Will Take Lux-Verbi Books, publishers of compelling and eye-opening books. View a PDF of this press release:
Some of you may have seen this Press Release about this book some time ago, and may even have read it. But for those who haven't see below. It reveals some significant connections, not least, who is behind Barack Obama's meteoric rise to power. I don't know how true his interpretation of the facts he presents is, but the author's sources seem impeccable. Let me know what you think.
One of the things I find incredible, well kind of hard to swallow is the fact that, the author, P.D. Stuart states, amongst other things, on pp. 334, 335 that "Bill Clinton’s Jesuit professor, Carroll Quigley, revealed that Skull and Bones member William C. Whitney and others in the late nineteenth century developed a plan that would allow the control of both major political parties in the United States by means of financial contributions, and have those parties alternate power so that the public would think it had a choice."
He says that "This confirms what Professor Miller said about the “Republicans and the Democrats… [being] in fact two branches of the same (secret) party” and quotes Carroll Quigley's book, Tragedy and Hope, p.73; and Arthur S. Miller, The Secret Constitution and the Need for Constitutional Change (New York: Greenwood Publishing, 1987), p.3". Please read this book and let me know what you think.
Here is some more information about the book Codeword Barbelon that I got from the publishers:
BIC subject classifications for this title are:
JBMV1 - Freemasonry & secret societies
JPSL - Geopolitics
HRBD - Roman Catholicism
GZC - Conspiracy theories
HRQC - Syncretist and eclectic religions
JPVH4 - Religious freedom
JPFQ - Fascism & Nazism
British Library Cataloguing-in Publication/Classification Data for this book:
Stuart, P.D.
Codeword Barbelon-666-Danger in the Vatican: the sons of Loyola and their plans for world domination
Includes bibliographical references.
1. Secret societies-United States 2. Balance of power 3. Power (Social sciences)
ISBN-13: 978-0954359669
I. Title 303. 4'84
Here is the Press Release mentioned earlier from the Religion News Service in Washington, DC.:
Friday, October 31, 2008
October 31st, 2008 /
October 31, 2008, Enfield, Middx.- New book gives a hard-hitting exposé of the political and religious forces behind both Barack Obama and John McCain. Codeword Barbêlôn-Danger in the Vatican: The Sons of Loyola and Their Plans for World Domination, by author P.D. Stuart is a groundbreaking book that gives an extraordinary account of international power and intrigue which drops a bombshell, of some magnitude, into the lap of the reader. It exposes a subtle attack on civil and religious freedoms, revealing a plot so sinister that as Pope John Paul II warned "We are now standing in the face of the greatest historical confrontation humanity has gone through... wide circles of American society and wide circles of the Christian community do NOT REALIZE THIS FULLY."
Utilizing records inaccessible to or overlooked by other writers, P.D. Stuart's book puts the spotlight on the power about which President Woodrow Wilson once said, "the few who are aware of it, dare not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it." A work of great insight and moral courage Codeword Barbêlôn exposes, in unequivocal terms, the secret connections and codewords of the powers that be.... Beyond doubt, this is one of the most significant books to appear in decades. "Good historians," wrote Horace Walpole, "are the most scarce of all writers, and no wonder! A good style is not very common; thorough information is still rare; and if these meet, what a chance that impartiality should be added to them!" P.D. Stuart's work possesses all of these qualities. Consisting of 48 chapters, and hundreds of footnotes and references, Codeword Barbêlôn covers a vast period of history, from the second and third centuries to the present day. Spatially, the work spans three continents, and focuses on Europe and North America and the hidden influence of secret societies on that continent. Indeed, reading Codeword Barbêlôn, one cannot help but feel as if he were travelling in H. G. Wells' time machine, finding himself sometimes at the City of Rome in the 16th Century, at other times in Bavarian Germany in the 18th Century, yet at other times in the political intrigues of North America of the 19th, 20th and 21st Centuries.
In doing so Codeword Barbêlôn uncovers a plot so sinister, that in the words of ex-FBI Director and founder, J. Edgar Hoover: "The individual... coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous... cannot believe it exists...." Some of it is unsettling, disquieting, and often downright scary.
This book reveals the wide and pervasive influence of the Jesuit Order and proves that as American historian J. Wayne Laurens wrote, the Jesuits "are not merely priests, or of one religious creed; they are merchants, and editors, and men of any profession, having no outward badge by which to be recognized." They "serve in any capacity required-as plumbers, carpenters, lawyers, doctors, teachers, economists, bankers, politicians, and advisers of states." P.D. Stuart shows that even "The Sovereign Prince of Masons, etc, etc., are nearly all the offspring of Ignatius Loyola... and worked under instructions from the General of the Jesuits."
What possible the connection could there be between the Jesuit Order, Freemasons and the globalists in the Democratic and Republican parties? Bill Clinton's Georgetown professor and former Council of Foreign Relations member, Carroll Quigley, revealed that they all believe "national boundaries should be obliterated and one world rule established." And what about the fact that Barack Obama is related to both President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney? It's all revealed in this new book.
Codeword Barbêlôn is indeed a `tough book': direct, honest, and thought provoking, with no compromise, no apologies, and no vagaries ; it spares no characters-all are lashed without ceremony. Rarely does one source "connect the dots" as completely, thoroughly, and intelligently as does this one! This extraordinary project is the literary equivalent of turning over a flat rock. A work of high scholarship and intelligence, this book sounds a clear warning....
"The book itself is readable, authoritative, very well-researched, and profound.... The arguments are strong and supported by impeccable proof." - M. Davies, USA.
ISBN-13: 978-0954359669
BIC subject classifications for this title are:
JBMV1 - Freemasonry & secret societies (United States)
JPSL - Geopolitics (Balance of power, Social sciences)
HRBD - Roman Catholicism (World politics)
GZC - Conspiracy theories (Jesuits- Influence)
HRQC - Syncretist and eclectic religions
JPVH4 - Religious freedom (International organization)
JPFQ - Fascism & Nazism (Religious aspects)
Includes bibliographical references.
I. Title 303. 4'84
Format: Paperback/perfect binding (Pub. Jan. 2008; reprint Aug. 2008). Extent: 550pp.
Product Dim: 8.4" x 5.5" x 1.3"
Shipping Weight: 1.5 pounds
; Lux-Verbi:
Orders Using: ISBN-13: 978-0954359669
Saturday, 2 January 2010
4. World politics 5. Secret societies-Religious aspects 6. Jesuits-United States- Influence 7. International organization 8. Conspiracies
ISBN-10: 0954359666
* * * * * * * * * *
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