Thursday, 14 January 2010

Tripped up trying to spin history


Last updated at 10:09 AM on 13th January 2010

There are many people who believe that Alastair Campbell will go down in history as an unscrupulous propagandist who lied to the British public on behalf of Tony Blair in the run-up to the Iraq invasion.

Nothing that took place yesterday will have caused that opinion to change. Indeed, as a result of his grilling, we have fresh evidence that Campbell schemed to deceive the British public.

He refused to accept he had done anything wrong. Yet he was repeatedly caught out as he insisted he had not twisted the facts. 

Alastair Campbell refused to accept he had done anything wrong at the Iraq Inquiry yesterday

Alastair Campbell refused to accept he had done anything wrong at the Iraq Inquiry yesterday

For example, Campbell was quickly in difficulties when he brazenly claimed that the notorious dossier of September 2002 which made the case for war had been under the full control of Joint Intelligence Committee chairman John Scarlett. 


In that case, he was asked, why was it that Campbell had chaired two drafting meetings on the dossier at which Scarlett was present? Campbell had no convincing answer.

Then, in a breathtaking comment, he told the committee that he took little interest in headlines such as the mendacious claim that Saddam Hussein could unleash chemical or biological weapons in 45 minutes. 

Campbell lived up to his spin doctor reputation during the inquiry

Campbell lived up to his spin doctor reputation during the inquiry

As anyone who knew Campbell during his years at Number 10 might testify, newspaper headlines were his obsession.

Then he tried to demolish claims made by Sir Christopher Meyer (Britain's former ambassador to the U.S.) and others that Blair had secretly signed up Britain to war as early as his meeting with President Bush at his ranch in Crawford in the spring of 2002.

Yet Campbell's denials were sensationally called into question when he told Lord Chilcot that Blair and Bush had enjoyed a private correspondence ahead of the war. 

Campbell, in the most explosive revelation of the day, said the 'tenor of the letters' was that if diplomacy failed and an invasion became necessary then 'Britain will be here'.

The deadliest questioning came when former British ambassador to Russia, Sir Roderic Lyne, tested Campbell on whether Blair's claim to Parliament that the September dossier had 'established beyond doubt' that Saddam continued to produce weapons of mass destruction.

SIR Roderic - who asked more searching questions than any other panellist - forensically demonstrated that Blair's lurid warnings to the Commons and to the British public conflicted with the information he was being given by our intelligence services at the time. Once again, Campbell had no answer.

Sir Roderic was implying that Blair had therefore committed the ultimate crime of misleading Parliament.

It will be fascinating to see how Blair himself deals with this deadly allegation - which would certainly have forced his resignation as prime minister had it been proven at the time - when he appears before the committee in a few weeks' time.

Yet more worryingly for Blair, yesterday provided the first evidence of a split between him and the senior intelligence officers who advised him in the run-up to war. 

John Scarlett has told the committee he had nothing to do with Blair's foreword to the September dossier because it was 'political'. 

But yesterday Campbell insisted Scarlett had seen the foreword in advance and had been able to make what changes he wanted.

Again and again, a desperate Campbell contradicted himself as he tried to talk his way out of trouble. 

When he tried to play down the importance of the 45-minute claim contained in the notorious September dossier, he insisted that publicity around the document had counted for little and died down quickly.

But later on, as he came under pressure over the second, fabricated 'dodgy dossier' of February 2003, Campbell changed his tune. 

He said it counted for nothing while the first had enjoyed 'massive global exposure'.

He contradicted himself again when he refused to accept that the September dossier had been changed in response to U.S. pressure.

But later he told panellist Sir Martin Gilbert Downing Street had gone to great efforts to ensure that Britain and the United States put out the same message.

There were few new revelations in Campbell's testimony. The truth is that, thanks to the earlier Hutton and the Butler inquiries into the run-up to the war, the British public has already been told almost everything that can be known about the background to the invasion. 

Lord Chilcot's inquiry is unlikely to throw up many new facts.

However, Lord Hutton - and, to a lesser extent, Lord Butler - came to a conclusion that agreed with Campbell and Blair's version of events. 

This, however, defied the evidence that they had been given.

The question now is whether Lord Chilcot will be as credulous. The signs yesterday were to the contrary and that Tony Blair and Alastair Campbell must brace themselves for the brutal criticism they deserve.

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