US Democrats Lose Massachusetts – and the Senate 'While US Democrats are shocked at the surprising vulnerablity of Edward Kennedy's Senate seat – the Liberal Lion of the Senate – US observer Daniel Patrick Welch, who lives in and writes from Kennedy's home state, is underwhelmed. Democrats have foolishly ceded the populist impulse to the right, and are now reaping what they have sown. ”Obama's handlers ... seem unaware of the anger seething at the grassroots. People are hurting, they are scared, they are angry, and Obama's cool customer routine has worn thin fast. It doesn't take a year to figure out that the same neo-liberal crap won't work, and it doesn't help that he has kept on some of the same flunkies, signed on to the same domestic as well as foreign policies, and just plain been too cautious even in a symbolic way".'
Wednesday, 20 January 2010
Posted by Britannia Radio at 16:52