“The Capitol Report!”
Dear Harold,
Last spring, we were pleased to announce that Lisa Piraneo had joined our team as Director of Government Relations. Since coming on board, Lisa has been hard at work serving as our voice—as YOUR voice—up on Capitol Hill and to those in power in our nation’s capital. No longer are groups like CAIR the only ones who have the ear of our federal elected officials. We are the “sleeping Giant” who is starting to stir and we are now being heard by the decision-makers in Washington. As Lisa has noted in the past, she is heartened by the response of so many Members of Congress who are thankful to learn that they have the support and energy of our grassroots—80,000 Patriotic Americans—as they tackle the enemy of radical Islam within our borders.
One of Lisa’s first projects was to kick off a periodic Newsletter called The Capitol Report, which we email monthly to our monthly contributing Patriot Partners. In it, she relays what she is seeing and hearing on the Hill and how Members of Congress are working with ACT! for America on issues which impact our homeland security.
Today, we are pleased to announce that we have taken Lisa’s “The Capitol Report” newsletter one step further with the completion of our first-ever VIDEO Capitol Report. So that you may have the opportunity to watch Lisa in action on your behalf, we are making this inaugural edition of the video Capitol Report available to all our members.
Simply click here to view the video, where you will see Lisa speaking with two Members of Congress to learn about what they are doing to protect our nation.
Representative Sue Myrick, from the 9th congressional district of North Carolina, has sponsored the “First Responders Fighting Terrorism Protection Act,” which protects our nation’s first responders from lawsuits when they respond and act on something they feel is terrorism-related.
Representative Todd Tiahrt, from the 4th congressional district of Kansas has sponsored the “No Welfare for Terrorists Act,” which would deny any benefits to Guantanamo detainees who may be released into our society. Both of these proposals are on ACT!’s list of “high priority legislation.” In the video segment, you will hear from them directly about their work on these proposals and on homeland security issues.
We will film additional video segments of “The Capitol Report” periodically throughout the year, so you can accompany Lisa on Capitol Hill and learn how our elected officials and their staffs are responding to the critical issues about which we are concerned. We hope you enjoy them.
If you are not receiving the monthly Capitol Report, but you would like it emailed to you, pleaseclick here and sign up to be a monthly contributing Patriot Partner.
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ACT for America
P.O. Box 12765
Pensacola, FL 32591
Tuesday, 12 January 2010
Announcing the Inaugural Video Segment of
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Britannia Radio