We have posted the interview on our website at www.shoebat.com. The interview starts about a one third through the recording. Please use the information Walid gives when you meet your liberal friends who are deceived by the " Religion of Peace." The Truth is being delivered and America is awakening. Shalom Keith Davies Executive Director Walid Shioebat Foundation |
Martin Luther King Jr. 1929-1968 |
Walid Shoebat Foundation.
An organization that cries out for the Justice of Israel and the Jewish people.
The Holocaust never ended but the victims have decided to defend themselves.
The occupation is in the minds of Children who are taught hatred.
Israel was the solution for the world’s greatest refugee problem that went on for two thousand years
Why is it that on June 4th 1967 I was a Jordanian and overnight I became a Palestinian?
When I finally realized the lies and myths I was taught, it is my duty as a righteous person to speak out
The Israeli Arab Conflict is not about geography but about Jew hatred; Throughout the Islamic as well as Christendom's history Jews have been persecuted, the persecution of Israel is just the same as the old antisemitism.
The Arab refugees are being used as pawns' to create a terror breeding ground, as a form of aggression against Israel.
The Arab refugee problem was caused by Arab aggression and not Israel. Why should Israel be responsible for their fate?
No one (Arab or Jew) has a "right of return". Jews who fled Arab persecution from 1948 to 1956 should have no right of return to Arab lands, and Arabs who ran away in 1948 and 1967 should have no right of return either. This should end all argument. Yet the Jews accept this judgment, while the Arabs reject EVERYTHING. - Walid Shoebat