Wednesday, January 13, 2010
China Confidential
Is China Preparing to Attack Taiwan?
A new cross-Strait crisis is coming, overshadowed by Iran's quest for nuclear weapons, Islamist terrorism, and other international issues. Click here for the story.
Readers may recall that China Confidential predicted prior to the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games that China would attack Taiwan about two years after the historic event if peaceful reunification efforts came to naught. China regards Taiwan as a renegade province; a Chinese reunification law actually mandates use of force to retake the island if negotiations fail to accomplish the strategic objective.150 UN Staffers Trapped Under Rubble in Haiti
Known Muslim 'Extremists' Still Allowed to Fly to US
A great many non-U.S. nationals who are designated Muslim "extremists" by the Islamist-appeasing Obama administration are still being allowed to travel--by air--to the United States. Some of these individuals even have multiple-entry visas that allow them to enter and exit the U.S. at will.
The Christmas Day airline bombing attempt by Islamist terrorist Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, who had been given a multiple-entry U.S. visa, has not resulted in significant visa revocations and large-scale transfer of names from the massive "extremist" database to the narrower, "no-fly" list.
Question: Why should any known Islamist alien be allowed to travel to or remain in the U.S.? Why shouldn't the no-visa, no-fly lists (it isn't clear if they are one and the same) be immediately expanded to include any and all foreigners believe in the existence of a global Muslim nation--also known as "the Muslim world"--which should be ruled over by a single Caliphate or through a system of so-called Islamic republics?
Travel to the U.S. is a privilege, not a right.
The U.S. did not allow known Nazi supporters and sympathizers to travel to the U.S. during World War II (except for enemy agents that were tracked for intelligence purposes).Global Wood Shortage Looms
A global wood shortage looms.
The drivers: China's demand for high-grade logs used to make dimensional lumber, and the EU/U.S. push for biomass power (wood chips and wood pellets, made from lower-grade round wood and waste wood, for residential, commercial, and industrial applications, including space heating, electricity generation, and co-firing with coal in coal-fired power plants).
Already, 60% of the logs that are produced in the world go to China. A major exporter is neighboring Russia--specifically, Siberia, home to the world's largest forest, for the time being. It is slated for extinction in 20-30 years because of illegal logging--about a third of all logs exported to China are cut illegally--which is controlled by Russian organized crime.
Demand for wood from certified sustainable sources will increase dramatically over the next two-to-three years, analysts say. That rules out most African and South American suppliers, which means that wood from Canada and the United States will rise in value.
An upturn in the hard-hit North American dimensional lumber markets will further drive demand for wood.World Rushing Aid to Haiti
Turkey Threatens Diplomatic Break With Israel
Islamist-leaning, Iran-tilting Turkey is threatening to recall its ambassador to Israel, as reported here.
Turkey is lost. The Islamizing trend is irreversible, barring a dramatic development. Realistically speaking, the only hope for the West is intervention by Turkey's military--traditional guardian of the country's secular system--to remove the crypto-Islamist government (which U.S. President Barack Obama backs in line with his policy of appeasing radical Islam).China and Iran in Cyber-War
8 Chinese Peacekeepers Die in Haiti Quake
Thousands of people are believed to be dead in the magnitude 7.0 earthquake.On Selling China Short: Friedman Answers Chanos
Like IBD, Chanos suspects China is cooking its books, among other things. Another must-read piece here.
And click here for a possibly relevant piece on corrupt business practices.Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Is China Cooking the Books?
Google Threatens to Pull Out of China
Google said it suffered a major hack attack, which could cause the company to pull out of China. Click here for the story.
The cyber-spies reportedly targeted dissidents' email addresses.Blog's Antiterrorism Coverage Attracting Readers
Though still published anonymously, China Confidential has proven that it is possible to compete with the mainstream media on the basis of content alone. The emerging foreign news and intelligence media property, which was launched in April 2005 in response to China's anti-Japanese riots and opaque military buildup, further proves that established media "brands" have at best a shaky hold on readers and viewers. The media landscape is changing rapidly and dramatically.Israel Will be Blamed When Iran Gets Nukes
China Confidential predicts the Obama administration's most anti-Israel officials and advisors--and media mouthpieces--will immediately blame the Jewish State when Iran becomes a nuclear weapons state.
The lie/line will be that Israel's "intransigence" and "aggression"--and presumed nuclear arsenal--fueled an arms race with Iran, undercut "moderate" factions in power in Iran, and made it more difficult for Iran's opposition to take power.
Thursday, 14 January 2010
The worst day in U.N. history. Click here for the story.
China and Biomass Industry Drive Demand
China, Taiwan, and Israel are among the nations rushing rescue teams and equipment to Haiti, where thousands are believed to have been killed by the magnitude 7.0 earthquake. Click below to watch the video report.
# posted by Confidential Reporter @ 12:23 PM links to this post
China has retaliated against Iran for its hack attack on China's top search engine, Baidu. Click here for the report.
Click here for the story, and here for an archived China Confidential article about China's involvement in Haiti.
Op-Ed columnist Thomas Friedman is unabashedly bullish on China. Click here to read his response to legendary short seller James Chanos, who made a fortune betting against high-flying Enron and continues to ring alarm bells about rising China.
IBD challenges the conventional view of a country with no transparency. Read the editorialhere.
China Confidential is now averaging about 3,000 unique users a day, a significant portion of whom are clearly drawn to the blog's antiterrorism coverage.
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Britannia Radio