Wednesday, January 20, 2010
china confidential
Former Convicts Who Converted to Islam in American Prisons Now in Yemen With Al Qaeda
Thirty-six ex-cons who converted to Islam in state prisons in the United States are believed to have joined Al Qaeda in Yemen, according to a U.S. Senate report. Half the men are from New York. Read all about it here.
The report highlights another taboo topic for Islamist-appeasing liberals: decades of infiltration of U.S. prisons by agents of Saudi Wahhabism-- Muslim chaplains trained in and certified by Saudi-supported Wahhabi institutes operating in the U.S.
POSTSCRIPT: The FBI director says Al Qaeda is rebuilding and spreading. Click here for the story.UK Suspends Direct Flights to Yemen
And click here for an article about Brown's article praising the UK's special relationship with India (which is under constant threat from Islamist enemies).South Korea Responds to North's 'Holy War' Threat With Warning of First Strike to Stop North's Nukes
An escalating war of words on the Korean Peninsula.
South Korea's defense chief says Seoul would strike first to prevent a North Korean nuclear attack on the South. Click here for the story.
The South Korean warning follows a bizarre, North Korean "holy war" threat against the South--a rhetorical flourish that seems to reflect the Stalinist/Kimist regime's close cooperation with its partner in nuclear/missile crime, Islamist Iran.
China Confidential analysts, as reported here, expect the North to provoke a new crisis in order to both divert attention from Iran and pressure the U.S. into scrapping sanctions on Pyongyang.Iran and Al Qaeda Attacked Israelis in Jordan
Mainstream media outlets, taking their cues from Washington, have downplayed or ignored Iranian ties to Al Qaeda. The relationship is a taboo topic for liberals committed to a policy of (a) appeasing Iran, and (b) narrowing the list of implacable Islamist foes who are still regarded as unworthy of so-called engagement (for the time being) to Al Qaeda itself.
Wednesday, 20 January 2010
British Prime Minister Gordon Brown unveiled new counterterrorism measures today. Clickhere for the story and here for his statement.
Jordanian intelligence says Iran ordered and paid for an Al Qaeda attack on Israeli diplomats. Click here for the story.
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Britannia Radio