Friday, 8 January 2010

Weekly Commentary: Netanyahu’s Poll Puzzle

Dr. Aaron Lerner                   Date: 7 January, 2010

The latest Maagar Mohot poll commissioned by IMRA finds Israelis have a
sophisticated take on what Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is trying to
do.  But despite this, most Israelis are not satisfied with what Netanyahu
is doing.

Let’s take a look at the results:

Telephone poll of a representative sample of 510 adult Israeli Jews by
Maagar Mohot Survey Institute on 4-5 January 2010 (survey error of +/- 4.5

What do you think are Binyamin Netanyahu’s true intentions in his decision
to freeze construction in Judea and Samaria: The freeze is the first step
before the evacuation of the settlements in Judea and Samaria or only a
tactical move so that after 10 months it is possible to renew settlement
construction in Judea and Samaria despite international pressure.
24% Freeze is the first step to evacuation of communities in
Judea and

64% The freeze is only a tactical move so that after 10 months it is
possible to renew settlement construction in Judea and Samaria despite
international pressure.
12% Other replies/don’t know

What do you think are Binyamin Netanyahu’s true intentions when he said that
he is prepared to negotiate with Syria without preconditions: That Netanyahu
is willing to withdraw from the Golan within the framework of an agreement
with Syria, or that Netanyahu doesn't really have any intention to withdraw
from the Golan Heights but it is important to him to appear as someone who,
in any case, engages in peace talks.
19% That Netanyahu is willing to withdraw from the Golan within the
framework of an agreement with Syria
75% That Netanyahu doesn't really have any intention to withdraw from the
Golan Heights but it is important to him to appear as someone who, in any
case, engages in peace talks.
06% Other replies/don’t know

What do you think were Binyamin Netanyahu’s true intentions when in his Bar
Ilan University address he called for the establishment of a demilitarized
Palestinian state, while emphasizing that international agreements and
international forces cannot really insure that such a Palestinian state
would be demilitarized: That Netanyahu accepts the idea of an independent
Palestinian state or that Netanyahu understands that it is impossible to
guarantee that an  independent Palestinian state would be demilitarized, and
thus Netanyahu is prepared to agree only to a Palestinian entity that is not
really an independent state?

27% That Netanyahu accepts the idea of an independent Palestinian state
57% That Netanyahu understands that it is impossible to guarantee that an
independent Palestinian state would be demilitarized
16% Other replies/don’t know

Now if most Israelis seem to have a good grasp on the intentions behind
Binyamin Netanyahu’s moves, one would expect to see this also reflected in
their satisfaction with his performance (this question was actually the
first question in the poll):

In general, are you satisfied with how Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has
handled matters relating to Arab-Israeli affairs since coming into office?
60% Not satisfied
29% Satisfied
11% Other replies/don’t know

What went wrong?

The problem Israelis have with Netanyahu isn’t with his intentions.  It’s a
concern that his sophisticated maneuvering may suck us into doing things
that he never intended to do.

Look back at some of the results of the poll we commissioned 1-2 December
2009, just after the settlement housing construction freeze was announced:

Will Binyamin Netanyahu’s decision to impose the freeze increase or reduce
pressure on Israel to make additional concessions?
22% Reduce
56% Increase
17% No effect on the pressure
5% Don’t know and other replies

Do you think that the freeze will actually last only ten months or if
Netanyahu will continue the freeze indefinitely?
33% Just ten months
40% Continue indefinitely
27% Don’t know and other replies

Again.  The issue here isn’t whether or not
Prime Minister Binyamin
has good intentions.

It is if such sophisticated maneuvers as the selective settlement freeze and
support for a “demilitarized state” will ultimately push Israel into places
Netanyahu had no intention of getting us to.

Dr. Aaron Lerner, Director IMRA (Independent Media Review & Analysis)
(Mail POB 982 Kfar Sava)
Tel 972-9-7604719/Fax 972-3-7255730