ALERT: Our friends at the Washington Examiner wrote: Is Obama in the"Cone of Silence" when it comes to national priorities? While critics from both parties called his State of the Union address a missed opportunity, President Obama was back in campaign mode, declaring job creation his new top priority.
Is Dale Robertson the Founder of the Tea Party? According to ICANN the website name of was created in 2004. Robertson filed a "Tea Party" D.B.A. (Doing Business As) dating back before early 2009, he incorporated the name, he has documented statements and photos of him in Washington, well before the Tea Party fire was ignited.
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Why struggle with trying to send a handwritten fax to a handful of Congressmen, looking up the fax numbers, paying for long-distance fax costs, dealing with jammed fax machines and dropped calls, when you can use our new system and send professionally written HOT faxes to all 100 Senators and 435 Members of the House for just a pennies each!
Monday, 1 February 2010
On a swing through Tampa, Fla., with Vice President Biden, Obama reiterated economic themes of his address, including a call to create jobs through infrastructure spending and similar proposals from his first year in office. "We're not going to rest until we rebuild an economy in which hard work and responsibility are rewarded, and businesses are hiring again, and wages are growing again, and the middle class can get its legs underneath it again," Obama said.
Still, to some who listened to Obama's first State of the Union, a sense of disconnection persisted. The lengthy speech, which contained a few modestnew initiatives, fell short even for those who embrace his larger political philosophies.
"We are pleased that the president understands the urgency in passing health care reform this year," said Alan Charney, program director at USAction, an anti-war and social justice organization. "But we are disappointed that he did not propose a jobs program that is as massive and robust as the problem he inherited."
Rep. Kevin Brady of Texas, ranking House Republican on the Joint Economic Committee, said Obama's White House feels out of step with national priorities and moods. "I do think there is a disconnect," Brady said. "It's almost like the White House has the Cone of Silence from 'Get Smart,' where nothing is getting through."
Brady, who like Obama is also back in campaign mode, said federal spending, job creation and opposing health care "is all anybody wants to talk about." He called Obama's economic agenda, "small ball."
In Tampa, Obama mocked journalists for their interest in whether he would adopt a more forceful, populist tone in his address and subsequent political outings.
But the day after the speech, administration officials were still rebuffing questions about the larger message of last week's Massachusetts Senate election. Widely regarded as a populist rebuttal to Obama's leadership, the election of a Republican to fill the late Sen. Edward M. Kennedy's seat dashed the president's hopes for passing health care. "What was interesting about the Massachusetts election was that so much of it was reminiscent of what we saw in our own election," White House senior adviser David Axelrod told ABC News. "That same sense of disillusionment among particularly middle class people."
John Fortier, a political scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, called Obama's speech "a little disjointed" and also potential trouble for moderate Democrats who won't want to vote on immigration reform, gays in the military or other hot-button issues in an election year.
"On the big issues, I think Obama either doesn't know what he wants to do or wants to send a message to stay the course," Fortier said. "Their plan is essentially more or less the same plan."
By: Julie Mason Examiner White House Correspondent January 29, 2010
What do you think? Robertson declares the following: "It was the brave souls of the men and women of 1773 who faced the greatest military power on earth, they are the undeniable Founders of the Tea Party, we are their beneficiaries." Dale Robertson
When asked about other Tea Party groups, Robertson responded: "I pray for them daily and I know deep in my heart, each and every one of them must fulfill their mission. If they wish to claim Founder status, then so be it. There is over 300,000,000 U.S. Citizens in America, and I have been told well over 50 percent agree with the Tea Party, if so, then we have over 150,000,000 Founders."
When asked about the future of the Tea Party, Robertson relied: "We shall be instrumental on who is going to be elected and who is going to be sent to the unemployment line. How do I know this? Because of the thousands of positive e-mails I receive and the fact the Tea Party has well over 10,000,000 members nationwide. The Tea Party has representation in every precinct, in every Town and in every election, do the math!"
Robertson has assembled a powerful team. His Media Director has represented Presidential candidates, New York Times Best Selling Authors, Congressmen, Minutemen and traveled to Kenya, Africa with a renown Author to inspect Obama's birth place. Robertson's Executive Director holds a Juris Doctorate in Law bringing to the table years of experience in nonprofit organizations. Robertson's growing list of Consultants includes Doctors, Lawyers and high profile Businessmen.
Robertson's radio and TV appearances have reached an estimated 80 million Citizens. "I am just a regular guy with a passion for my beloved nation. I believe in a Constitutional Conservative Common Sense approach to Self-Governance."
Dale Robertson - President and Founder -
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"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will
deserve neither and lose both." Benjamin Franklin
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Britannia Radio