Monday, 8 February 2010

Thursday, 10 December 2009


Weaken the Adversary
Front organizations of Berlin's foreign policy have long since catalogued the Catalans as a separate "ethnic entity," justifying eligibility to special rights.

The Federal Union of European Nationalities (FUEN) speaks of the Catalans in the same breath as not only the Basques but also the Bretons in France or the Scottish and the Welsh in Great Britain.[8] The ethnic subdivision of Europe, as is supported in Germany, lays the foundation not only for demands for autonomy but also for secessionist aspirations, such as are currently escalating in Catalonia.

This ultimately weakens the nation-states competing with Germany for influence in Europe.

  1. Britannia Radio

    Arc Manche is a flexible network of French Regions and British local authorities ..... To all visitors of Britannia Radio and the Britannia Radio Blog Spot. ... -Cached -
  2. Britannia Radio

    The Channel Arc Manche Assembly 9 3 The Data Collection 'conspiracy' 11 4 ...... To all visitors of Britannia Radio and the Britannia Radio Blog Spot. ... - Cached -

The German Ethnic Model (IV)
(Own report) - Catalonian secessionists are progressing toward the ethnic dismantlement of Spain with referendums to be held in 161 cities and communities. Scheduled for mid-December, referendums will be held in one-sixth of Catalonia's municipalities on a - non-binding for now - resolution on secession from Spain and the founding an independent country. Secessionists in other parts of the country - the Basque Region and Galicia - are carefully watching what happens. The referendums are providing new impetus to the German strategy of restructuring Europe along ethnic lines. The Federal Republic of Germany provided Catalonian secessionism relevant support over the past few years, most recently, two years ago in the framework of the Frankfurt Book Fair. Berlin's foreign policy front organizations have long since catalogued the Catalan as a "Volksgruppe" (an ethnic entity) justifying eligibility to special rights. Catalan secessionists are being spoken of in the same breath as other ethnic minorities demanding similar autonomous rights, including the Bretons in France and the Welsh in Great Britain.
I'm Catalan
Referendums will be held December 13 in 161 of the 900 Catalan municipalities and communities, to determine whether Catalonia should secede from Spain. The referendum is not yet binding. They exclude the largest regional cities (Barcelona, Lerida and Tarragona). A response is sought to the question: "Are you in favor of the Catalan nation being an independent, democratic and social welfare nation in a European Union of peoples?"[1] The referendum was initiated by an organization calling itself "I'm Catalan. I Love Freedom." The referendum is being flanked by an effective PR campaign, which included the chairman of the secessionist party, Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya recently hoisting the Catalan secessionist flag on the highest mountain peak in the region. The secessionists are also trying to internationalize their cause. They have applied in the European Parliament for concrete steps toward independence and are seeking international observers for the December 13 referendum, particularly observers from the OSCE and the UN.
A Spanish Constitutional Court decision relevant to the secessionist plans is expected within the close timeframe of the referendum. Three years ago the regional parliament in Barcelona passed new autonomy statutes, declaring extensive special rights for Catalonia. There is not only controversy about the stipulation of autonomy status, that Catalonia is an independent "nation" and the claim that Catalonia deserves historical privileges. Most controversial is the obligation that all residents of the region learn Catalan. Since some time, this has led, to barricading tendencies. Two years ago, philosopher and regional parliamentarian in Barcelona, Antonio Robles complained to, that "if one was not fluent in Catalan, (...) it was very difficult to work in the Catalan communication industry" - a massive disadvantage to the citizens from other regions of Spain.[2] If the Constitutional Court rules the regulations in the Autonomy Statutes - which codifies this discriminatory development - unconstitutional, massive protests are expected.
New Borders in Europe
Germany, the EU trail-blazer of ethnic privileges and secession,[3] is no innocent bystander in these developments in Catalonia. Since the late 1980s, the German land Baden Wuerttemberg has maintained a "regional partnership" with Catalonia and two other regions (Lombardy in Italy and the Rhone-Alps region of France). This "regional partnership" brings this northeastern Spanish secessionist region economic advantages, strengthening it in relationship to other regions of Spain.[4] The separatists are politically supported also by the German Green Party. The Greens are members of the same European parliamentary caucus as the "European Free Alliance", which includes several proponents of Catalan secession as well as other separatists.[5] The "European Free Alliance" is not only supporting the secession of Catalonia, for years it has been campaigning with a map with completely new European borders: Spain is divided into seven new countries, Germany has annexed Austria, parts of Switzerland and Northern Italy (South Tyrol). The territory of France is half its current size. According to the map of the friends of the German Greens, the Bretagne, as well as the entire south of the country, the fictive "Occitan" have seceded. The map instigates diverse secessionist movements throughout Europe and is published in full knowledge of the Yugoslav wars of disintegration. documents excerpts here.
Partner Nations
Germany had created a new impulse for Catalan secessionists at the Frankfurt Book Fair, in the fall of 2007. Usually a country is chosen as "partner nation," to be intensively promoted at the book fair. But this time it chose Catalonia, a region, seeking to become a nation. But not all Catalan writers were to be honored at that book fair, only those, whose works were written in Catalan. Authors using the national Castilian Spanish, were strictly excluded. A map showing a "Catalonia" nation, extending from the Spanish coastline north of Valencia to southern France (Perpignan), incorporating both the Balearic Islands as well as Andorra,[6] was distributed at the book fair. The president of the Balearic regional government announced, also at this book fair, that his Islands would intensify their cultural cooperation with the Catalan region - an agreement providing further impetus toward separatism.[7] These activities take on greater significance through the fact that the German foreign ministry is an official partner of the Frankfurt Book Fair. The main European power's toleration of their activities was an important symbol for the secessionists in Catalonia. (The excerpt of the map is also taken from the map published by the "European Free Alliance.")
Weaken the Adversary
Front organizations of Berlin's foreign policy have long since catalogued the Catalans as a separate "ethnic entity," justifying eligibility to special rights. The Federal Union of European Nationalities (FUEN) speaks of the Catalans in the same breath as not only the Basques but also the Bretons in France or the Scottish and the Welsh in Great Britain.[8] The ethnic subdivision of Europe, as is supported in Germany, lays the foundation not only for demands for autonomy but also for secessionist aspirations, such as are currently escalating in Catalonia. This ultimately weakens the nation-states competing with Germany for influence in Europe.

All Lists! (so you may get it twice!)
O - M - G!
Tell me I'm dreaming - please!
I have to confess, that I had heard that most of Kent is due to become French, very shortly after the Lisbon Treaty - but it doesn't seem right, somehow. The first comment from Simon, below, is correct - "Transmanche".
When are we going to put a stop to this nonsense...hmmm?

White Cliffs of Dover to be sold to the

French to help reduce Government's


By Vanessa Allen
Last updated at 9:26 PM on 07th February 2010

For generations Dover has stood as an indomitable symbol of Britain’s freedom and independence.

The town, with its white cliffs, port and sprawling castle stood at the very edge of the nation’s frontier with the Continent.

But now part of that proud history is up for sale and the leading bidder is revealed as the former age-old enemy – France.

Spitfire over the White Cliffs of Dover

Heritage of defiance: A Spitfire over the White Cliffs of Dover

The Port of Dover is being recommended by Government advisers for sale to the French authorities.

It is one of a string of public assets which have been earmarked for privatisation as the Government battles with a record £830billion national debt.

The proposal for the port has prompted outrage.

Prospective Tory MP for Dover Charles Elphicke said: ‘It’s clear Gordon Brown has no sense of the history of our nation or the pride of our town.

‘How dare he consider selling it all off to the French? Dover is the English border. The people of Dover have a clear message for him – hands off our port, hands off the English border.’

Dover's past graphic

A sale of the Port of Dover, Europe’s busiest ferry port, could net up to £350million for the Treasury. Its arbour board applied to the Transport Secretary for voluntary privatisation last month.0

The sale is expected to be rubber-stamped and the leading bidder has emerged as Nord-pas-de-Calais regional council, which also owns Calais.


Broker: Gerry Grimstone, chairman of Standard Life, is advising the Government on the possible sale of Dover port

The French port is just 21 miles away across the Channel and the sale would mark a dramatic reversal in the fortunes of the two towns. Calais was captured by the English under Edward III in 1347, and the occupation lasted for more than two centuries.

The Port of Dover is the largest British port still in the public sector and made a profit of £15.1million in 2008.

It is a ‘trust port’, meaning all revenues are reinvested into it, and it is now seeking £400million to expand. Bosses anticipate a doubling in freight traffic by 2040.

Chief executive Bob Goldfield said: ‘The time is right for the voluntary privatisation of Dover. We want to invest around £400million on a second terminal and need to invest in the existing terminal, but are unable to because of public sector borrowing constraints. We want to throw off the shackles.’

Other major ports were sold off under the 1991 Ports Act, but Dover was retained because of uncertainty over how construction of the Channel Tunnel might affect it.

Gwyn Prosser, the town’s Labour MP, warned that jobs could be lost. The port’s workforce has shrunk by 60 per cent over the past eight years.

Mr Prosser said: ‘This is a strategic asset and we must be careful about the import of foreign capital.’


Here's what readers have had to say so far:-

The EU intends to divided Britain up into 5 Transnational regions, often referred to as cross-border. The plan is to unite us with areas on the Continent, ignoring the seas in between, and to render each side identical to eliminate all feelings of national loyalties.
ArcManche is the first to be established in the South East. This sprawls across west Belgium, Northern France, Nantes, etc. linking Plymouth, Bristol, London and Dover. All living within that area will live in the ArcManche Region of Europe. You will have a Regional Assembly, a Secretariat, a French President and an English Vice Chairman. Your Capital will be Paris.

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My hubby keeps nagging me to move to France - oh no need to bother now! looks like we're in it! Kick that Scottish clown Brown back over the border!

Click to rate Rating 2

I deplore violence and disapprove of those whose attitude is, if it moves, hit it but even I would be sorely tempted to land one on Gordon Brown's nose if he came within an inch of me. I feel so frustrated and angry that this man can carry on regardless causing damage and havoc to our country when there is a general election due. All governments should not be allowed to instigate new business within 3 months of an election. They should get down to the business of finishing off unfinished business.

Click to rate Rating 8

so why did all our boys bother fighting to save Britain in two wars just to let you lot sell it no Britain should stay British now listen to the people for a change give back all the money you have con out of this country for expenses that's a start and prosecute them all if they had claimed benefit they would have been prosecuted

Click to rate Rating 17

There has to be a way that Brown, Blair and the rest of this NuLabour cabal with treason. They destroyed our economy, signed away huge chunks of our sovereignty by way of the Lisbon Treaty and now seek to sell part of our national territory to a foreign nation. Just when you think they can sink no lower they go and prove you wrong.

Click to rate Rating 27

No more Sangatte in Calais, moving to Dover with immediate effect

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