Wonder if you read the statistic in The Times yesterday showing the shocking statistic that almost half of all new jobs created in the past decade under Labour have been the preserve of the State. The BBC Today tackled it this morning around 6.15am and I was amused to hear them use this as a rallying cry for preserving these jobs by NOT cutting State jobs! The idea that the State dominating employment may be a tad dangerous seems to have escaped our BBC friends. BBC love for "mercy killings" continues this morning with the headline story that Sir Terry Pratchett is willing to test the idea that assisted suicide"tribunals" which could give people legal permission to end their lives. Further to Natalie's excellent fisk of Dr Runciman, here's King Banaian at Hot Air: As an antidote to the BBC's take on American affairs I can recommend the firstRicochet podcast with Rob Long, Peter Robinson and Mark Steyn. On the evidence of this opening broadcast, in which they're joined by former Dubya Justice Dept lawyer John Yoo, it will be a weekly must-listen. This was sent to me by a B-BBC reader and you should give it a read if you have a spare moment. From the image used to illustrate the story through the commentary, the BBC just cannot understand how it might be that Americans reject Obamacare. If only Town Hall meetings were attended by the sort of sophisticates the BBC uses to pack their Question Time audience, all would be well! See that the BBC is pushing the merits of "mercy killings". A poll for Panorama seeks to inform us that almost three quarters of respondents would support assisted suicide for the terminally ill. The liberal BBC agenda has been a fervent advocate of the death cult of assisted suicide and this Panorama poll is but the most recent manifestation of it. I do appreciate the sensitivities surrounding this issue and the great pain people go through, including the families of the person with the terminal illness but I have to say that the BBC persistently pushes just ONE side of this debate, as it chooses death. Good old BBC, always giving us the facts. It reports today that the United Nations is to begin a major food distribution programe in Port-au-Prince, a mere three weeks after the earthquake. Meanwhile doctors voice concern that the US has halted evacuation of the critically injured to the US. Get with the meme; UN=good. US = Bad. Just watching Nicky Campbell bigging up Paganism and Islam on his truly grotesque "Big Question" programme, Christianity is painted by Nicky as the great evil and the brave pagans and Islamists out there are fighting for our freedoms. Amazing. Nicky also took the opportunity to inform the audience that George W Bush was wanting to dig up "the whole of Alaska for oil". Fair and balanced?
>> MONDAY, FEBRUARY 01, 2010
The author, who has Alzheimer's, says he wants a tribunal set up to help those with incurable diseases end their lives with help from doctors.
They love death like we love life...."But I stole this for you,"says the plunderer
>> SUNDAY, JANUARY 31, 2010
Responding to the election of Scott Brown, the BBC carries a column by David Runciman, a British academic political scientist of high birth (how else to describe someone whose Wikipedia entry notes his viscountcy?) that cannot understand why town halls are filled with people repulsed by Democrats health care reform... My friend Marty Andrade tweeted this link with the comment “But I stole this for you,” says the plunderer. “Why do you not take it? Why do you not vote for me?”
Monday, 1 February 2010
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Britannia Radio