Americans Who Know Their Rights Are The Real Target Of Napolitano's "Domestic Terror" Warning
Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano cited examples of Muslim extremists in her warning Sunday that domestic terrorists were now as much a focus as international terrorism, but actual training manuals being used by state and federal authorities across America reveal that the primary target of the anti-terror apparatus hits a lot closer to home.
Iran’s police chief has accused the BBC of being an arm of MI6 and warned of severe punishment for any Iranians in contact with the organisation.
The scandal surrounding kids being spied on at home via webcams in laptops provided by schools extends further than just schoolchildren – four years ago Google admitted that it was implementing similar invasive surveillance technologies that would target all Americans.
Children caught throwing snowballs are being recorded as ‘serious violence crimes’ by confused police officers.
• Are mandatory vaccinations acts of violence against children?
US President Barack Obama on Friday rebuked climate change skeptics who argue that piles of snow dumped on the United States during a frigid winter cast doubt on global warming science.
• Must see: John Coleman’s Global Warming Special #2 – now online at YouTube
Believe it or not, the Nazis’ murder of Jews, communists and gypsies using gas chambers was actually an American idea.
The image of banks locking their doors to keep customers from making withdrawals during a bank run is what immediately came to mind when we heard that Citigroup was telling customers it has the right to prevent any withdrawals from checking accounts for seven days.
Even as the American economy shows tentative signs of a rebound, the human toll of the recession continues to mount, with millions of Americans remaining out of work, out of savings and nearing the end of their unemployment benefits.
• Redburn Partners On The Coming Gold War: “Gold Is Money And Nothing Else”
• Euro’s Future in Question Even if Greece Saved: Soros
Fox News scrambles to discredit CPAC after Ron Paul wins presidential poll
Remember the big conservative conference Fox News has been hyping over the past 10 days?
Photographer Arrested For Filming Christmas Celebration
Police questioned an amateur photographer under anti-terrorist legislation and later arrested him, claiming pictures he was taking in a Lancashire town were “suspicious” and constituted “antisocial behaviour”.