Tuesday, 2 February 2010
Japan, China, Russia and WWIII:
As I have stated in previous articles, I believe that the current and future alliance between Russia, Japan and China is a prelude to the next war; East versus West. I also believe that part of their strategy is to partially "de-capitate" the Leadership in the West. I also expect this to have a huge impact on Western intelligence agencies like the CIA, MI6 and Mossad.
The Western Illuminati created both Communism and Fascism to destroy whole races they view as undesirable, and to ultimately eliminate the Middle Class and establish a universal "Forced Labor Camp". According to the Georgia Guidestones, and statements from the Global Elite, they desire to reduce the population of the earth by 90%. They will move towards this goal with a global conflict that will be known as World War III. This will be a war of extermination that will see the widespread and targeted use of Chemical, Biological and Nuclear weapons.
According to the Book of Revelations, this global conflict will wipe 1/3rd of the world's population completely off the map and will see the largest armies assembled and mobilized in the earth's history.
While the relationship between the Eastern and Western Illuminati seems muddled. I believe it is possible to come to the truth through a simple analysis of the major possibilities and outcomes.
1. One possibility is that both the East and West are still working together towards a common goal, population reduction. Each will maintain their influence in their respective spheres under the "New World Order".
This possibility defies both reality and logic. China, Russia and Japan were, or are heavily invested in Western Debt. It is a one-way street and that debt makes them our Masters. Its called the "Golden Rule". The person with the gold makes the rules. The Chinese have used their ownership to take control of Western technologies, and their wealth to run a unilateral arms race. If we were equal in power and influence we would be responding to the threat with our own military build-up. Instead, we are throwing our resources at appeasing our creditors in the derivatives market. The combined populations of China, Russia and Japan dwarf the human resources of the West. This problem has been exacerbated by our declining birth rate, homosexuality, abortion and the deterioration of the family.
2. The 2nd possibility is that the Western Illuminati has already capitulated to the East and have accepted a weaker position in the "New World Order".
I believe that the Western Illuminati have indeed capitulated. I also believe that the East has recognized the need for the "Anglo-Saxon" governing class maintaining a facade for them. This submission can be observed in our President bowing to the Japanese Emperor, or capitulating to the latest demands from Beijing and Moscow.
However, arms shipments to Taiwan, threatening war with Iran, supporting South Korea, fighting Russians in Georgia and manipulating elections in the Ukraine go against the theory of capitulation. From all appearances, the Western Illuminati are doing everything they can to expand their influence at the expense of the East.
3. The 3rd possibility is that the Western Illuminati have indeed been targeted for elimination. If this is the case, expect more confrontations with the East and more assassinations in the West of high level Illuminati leadership. Also, expect retaliatory assassinations in the East. Expect World War III.
No matter what scenario you think is true, the final result will be a very real, or very manufactured war between the East and West. This will happen because it accomplishes the goals of both the Eastern and the Western Illuminati:
1. Reducing the World's Population by 90%.
2. Imposing a Global Dictatorship with the 97% of the population working as forced labor for the other 3%
3. Ending the political freedoms of the Republic through crisis and military dictatorship.
4. Establishing a Global Consensus between East and West with the East at the head (Thesis vs. Antithesis = Synthesis).
5. The imposed submission of all religions to a Globally manufactured one.
6. The introduction and implementation of a tightly controlled economy (via microchip) that will literally starve dissent and maintain loyalty to the Illuminati controlled State.
Japan's new elections of the anti-Western "Democrats" will move the country away from its alliance with the West and towards a new Alliance with both China and Russia. All three countries now have a common enemy to rally against, and all three have an ax to grind
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Britannia Radio