You Think Greece Has Problems?
China v world as a trade war comes closer: The president feels he needs China, which is why he abased himself before his hosts on his visit to Beijing. Most of all, Obama hopes the Chinese will back him at the UN when he calls for sanctions on Iran.
Greece: Cash Business Transactions Over €1500 Will Be Outlawed in 2011: "From 1. Jan. 2011, every transaction above 1,500 euros between natural persons and businesses, or between businesses, will not be considered legal if it is done in cash. Transactions will have to be done through debit or credit cards"
Goldman Sachs: the Greek connection: Goldman Sachs, the giant investment bank, is today at the centre of the row over the Greek government's finances, amid recriminations over complex financial deals that allowed the eurozone nation to skirt its debt limits.
Goldman Goes Rogue – Special European Audit To Follow: We learn – from Der Spiegel last week and today’s NYT – that Goldman Sachs has not only helped or encouraged some European governments to hide a large part of their debts, but it also endeavored to do so for Greece as recently as last November.
Commercial Real Estate Losses Could Hit $300 Billion:: Losses from defaults on commercial real estate loans maturing in the next few years could go as high as $300 billion, threatening to topple nearly 3,000 community banks nationwide, a federal watchdog group has concluded.
US banks facing $1.4tn crisis over commercial property loans: America's fragile high street banks are bracing themselves for a fresh financial crunch as a wave of commercial property mortgages go sour on offices, shops and factories, causing losses of up to $300bn (£192bn) hitting nearly 3,000 small- and medium-sized financial institutions.
Child 'mini-marketeers' paid by junk food firms to secretly push products among their friends: Children are being paid up to £25 a week to promote sugary soft drinks and other products through social networking sites and playground chat.
£45 shops ‘bribe’ for cervical cancer jab for teenage girls: Teenage girls are being rewarded with shopping vouchers for having the cervical cancer jab.