Saturday 27 February 2010


Exclusive Video: Davidson: Dollar, Market Headed for Collapse

We’ve Just Witnessed Four of the Worst Economic Bubbles in
History Burst in Catastrophic Succession . . . Crippling Our Nation 
and Robbing You of Tens of Thousands of Dollars!

The ONLY Economists Who Predicted This Mess Now Foresee 
Two More Bubbles Directly Ahead!

Prepare Now, as Every Penny You Own May Fall Victim to the . . .

  • Will Your job (or any job) be safe in the Coming Years?
  • Will the Stock Market Plunge 50% (or More) — Taking Your Retirement With It?
  • Will Our Entire Economy Collapse When Communist China Stops Writing Us Blank Checks?

The Shocking Answers and the Step-By-Step Blueprint for Your Financial Salvation Are

Yours Free With No Strings Attached!


(PLUS: Get Exclusive Access to an Internet Broadcast With Fox
News Analyst Dick Morris and Our Financial Experts . . . 
Keep Reading to Find Out How.)

Dear Newsmax Reader,

Christopher Ruddy

Christopher Ruddy 
CEO & Editor: Newsmax & Moneynews

If I alarmed you with the fearsome statements above . . . well, good.

I must have your attention. Now is not the time for complacency.

I just discovered a riveting (and alarming) book that predicts that there is no light at the end of the

 tunnel for our economy or your wealth — if you don’t act now.

The book is Aftershock: Protect Yourself and Profit in the Next Global Financial Meltdown.

This book is so important . . . so urgent . . . and so vital to your financial well-being . . . that I want you to have it as my gift.

If you went to purchase it online or in a bookstore, it could cost you as much as $28. But I want you to have it at . . .

No charge. And no strings attached.

The message in this book is so critical that I’m also filming an online broadcast with four very important people: Fox News analyst Dick Morris,

 Aftershock co-author Robert Wiedemer, former Libertarian vice presidential nominee Wayne Allyn Root, and international currency expert 

Sean Hyman.

We will be discussing the powerful revelations in Aftershock and the specific actions you can take to fortify your finances.

And that’s free, too!

But you must hurry. The first 5,000 copies were taken within hours. I contacted the publisher and ordered their remaining 8,000 books. I

 expect to run out of these quickly.

I’m limiting the attendance because I want only those who are taking this situation seriously and who are willing to become active participants

 to attend.

The timing could not be more crucial.

Having a false sense of hope is a fruitless endeavor right now. One that could put you in the poorhouse.

Do not fall victim to the mainstream media’s
trumped-up climate of economic optimism.

Disregard the government’s
24/7 propaganda machine.

And give no credence to the misleading
hype from Wall Street.

You may feel a bit confident after seeing the Dow surge as much as 60% . . . the Nasdaq 77% . . . and the S&P 65% since the March lows of last year . . .

Hopefully you’ve recovered some of the previously inconceivable losses your portfolio and retirement savings have suffered. But I assure you 

— you are not out of the woods.

The uptick in our stock markets is masking a deep and well-entrenched threat . . .

Aftershock predicts that the two largest bubbles, which have not even hit us yet, are just around the corner. And after the authors’ previous book predicted the four bubbles that just hit us — I’m not taking this warning lightly.

The next few years could decimate your wealth and that of most Americans if you don’t safeguard yourself now.

It could be very bad for most. Even more jobs will be lost. Houses will be abandoned. Strip malls will sit empty. Life savings will be eradicated.

But what if you could fight this upcoming crisis head-on?

What if you had a specific, step-by-step blueprint that could make you wealthier than ever . . . multiplying your nest egg many times over — even in the face of overwhelming adversity?

Look at this moment as if you have been given an early warning for an impending disaster . . .

This is a turning point.

When an earthquake strikes, the immediate damage 
can be immense. Foundations crumble, walls crack, 
and cities teeter on the edge of collapse . . .

And what comes next can be equally destructive:

The Aftershocks

They occur for weeks after an initial earthquake. More buildings fall . . . city blocks are leveled . . . and even more lives are ruined.

Our economy mirrors this chain of events.

The stock bubble . . . the housing bubble . . . the consumer-spending bubble . . . and the private-debt bubble . . .

Each one acted as the equivalent of an economic earthquake. Leveling banks, destroying jobs, and wiping out the savings of millions of 


We have been taken literally to the brink — because we had no time to recover between the earthquakes.

The danger has not dissipated. And the damage has not been repaired.

It has only been covered up with a patchwork of stimulus programs and bailouts.

Sure . . . Capitol Hill’s megabillion-dollar handouts gave the stock market some juice. We’ve certainly witnessed that firsthand during the past 10 months.

But, the apparent rebirth of Wall Street is nothing more than final death throes.

Soon the “recovery” CNN is talking about will be exposed as a sham . . . a fake . . . something that never was. And when the aftershocks come, the consequences will be disastrous.

Why is the media ignoring this upcoming threat?
Why is no one telling you about it?

Because they don’t even know it’s coming.

They sure didn’t bother to warn you in 2006 to get out of the market . . . protect your home’s value . . . defend your job . . . and strengthen

 your personal finances.

After all, Ben Bernanke and Alan Greenspan didn’t see the first four bubbles. Heck, they helped create them.

Are CNBC “experts” going to tell you tomorrow morning the truth about these next two bubbles exploding? They massively missed the

 boat years back. I wouldn’t expect them to help you now.

And even the most prescient of economists failed to predict the true gravity of what would eventually transpire over the last few years.

Except for a Trio of Revolutionary Minds . . . 
They Predicted All Four Bubbles in 2006.

Their names are Dr. David Wiedemer, Robert Wiedemer, and Cindy Spitzer.

In 2006 they released a groundbreaking book titled “America’s Bubble Economy.”

If you were fortunate enough to read this book, you could have navigated yourself to safer waters and shielded your wealth from the impact.

They prophetically foretold all four bubbles bursting well before the inevitable occurred. They warned anybody who would listen to steer their wealth to safety.

But that book is now in the past. The events they predicted have transpired. You now need to look to the future.

Seeing that the worst is still ahead of us, they recently penned the follow-up to that prophetic 2006 release.

Aftershock Book Cover

As I previously mentioned, it’s titled: Aftershock: Protect Yourself 

and Profit in the Next Global Financial Meltdown.

I want to make something very clear. This book isn’t simply painting an

 apocalyptic future for our country that is fit for some Hollywood blockbuster.

The authors are not perpetual “doom and gloomers” who wait for a bear market

 to proclaim their ability to see the future.

And Aftershock is not a book with the singular purpose of instilling fear in you.

Although Aftershock does provide a harsh outlook for the future, its 

true value is in the incredibly powerful investment tips you can act on 

immediately to protect your wealth.

I look at Aftershock as self-defense for my wealth.

I’m already using many of the tools in its pages to
align my portfolio with the shrewdest investment
vehicles that can grow when others will fail.

This has proved so valuable to me that I want to send you a copy of Aftershock right now for free. A $28 value — you pay nothing for the book.

And because you are going to be proactive, I’m also going to give you exclusive (and 100% free) access to an Internet broadcast I’m filming

 together with one of the authors of the book, Robert Wiedemer; Fox news analyst Dick Morris; former Libertarian vice presidential nominee

 Wayne Allyn Root; and international currency expert Sean Hyman.

And to complement the book and the webinar, I’ve created a free VIP Web site with important videos, articles, “Live Blogs,” and so much

 more to augment your learning.

And that’s still not all . 

Breaking News from

Obama Considers Halting All Home Foreclosures

President Barack Obama reportedly is considering stopping all home foreclosures unless they have been rejected by the administration’s struggling $75 billion mortgage assistance program. The move comes as Republicans take aim at Obama’s mortgage assistance program, which they argue is making the economic crisis worse.

Obama Considers Halting All Home Foreclosures

k McGuire

President Barack Obama reportedly is considering stopping all home foreclosures unless they have been rejected by the administration’s struggling $75 billion mortgage assistance program.

The move comes as Republicans take aim at Obama’s mortgage assistance program. Republicans argue the effort is making the economic crisis worse and say many homeowners would be better off as renters.

The president has been trying to convince investors and the general public that the country is slowly emerging from the recession, but the threat of foreclosures and a faltering housing recovery has been looming over the economy.

Meg Reilly, a Treasury Department spokeswoman, told Bloomberg that the proposed foreclosure ban was “one of the many ideas under consideration” in Obama’s attempt to stabilize the housing market. 

“This proposal has not been approved and there are no immediate planned announcements on the issue,” she wrote in an e-mail. She confirmed the authenticity of the plan, which hasn’t been made public, Bloomberg reported.

Right now, lenders can initiate foreclosure proceedings on any loan that hasn’t been submitted for Home Affordable Modification Program, or HAMP, eligibility. Under current rules, foreclosure litigation can proceed while borrowers are under review for the program or even in a trial modification. 

The proposed changes would prohibit lenders from initiating new foreclosure actions before loan screening by HAMP and would require lenders to halt existing proceedings for borrowers once they are in a trial repayment plan, Bloomberg reported.

Meanwhile, Reps. Darrell Issa, R-Calif. and Jim Jordan, R-Ohio., on Thursday called the program a misuse of taxpayer money, The Associated Press reported. Though $75 billion has been set aside for the program, so far only $15 million has been spent.

The lawmakers also said Obama's plan distorts the housing market by keeping people in their homes who would be better off going through foreclosure.

Homeowners who enroll in the program but then drop out "would have been better off if they had defaulted earlier and spent the payments on more affordable housing options," the two lawmakers wrote.

Obama administration officials, however, reject that argument. They say the program gives a second chance to homeowners who were given shoddy loans during the housing boom. 

And they defend their track record, even though only 116,000 homeowners have completed the process out of the 1 million enrolled since the program's launch last March.

Earlier this week, Freddie Mac, which has lost a total of almost $80 billion since the housing crisis started in 2007, said a record 4 percent of its borrowers are at least three months behind on their payments and facing foreclosure.

Freddie Mac Chief Executive Charles Haldeman warned a "potential large wave of foreclosures" may sweep the nation.

The faltering housing recovery and threat of foreclosures are major problems for the federal government, which seized control of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae in September 2008. The two companies have already siphoned $111 billion from the government to stay afloat. That number is expected to hit $188 billion by fall 2011.

Meanwhile, the Obama administration reportedly also is considering forcing lenders to make principal reductions to help struggling homeowners.

Asked about the possibility of using principal reductions on mortgages to stem the tide of foreclosures, Phyllis Caldwell, chief of the Treasury's Homeownership Preservation Office, said the department was open to the idea, Reuters reported.

"Our office has been aggressively considering proposals on all areas that we can do to address the foreclosure crisis in this country," Caldwell told lawmakers on the House Oversight and Government Reform Domestic Policy Subcommittee.

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Looming Market Crash Could Wipe Out Your Wealth