Saturday, 27 February 2010
Calling All Whistleblowers!
As I stated in the previous article, the right to dissent is the only thing that keeps our government, corporations and other organizations somewhat honest. Only fungus grows in the dark. This just came out in Great Britain:
"Using the alias "Neo" - a reference to The Matrix films - the hacker claims he wants to expose those cashing in on the recession in Latvia.
He is slowly passing details of leading Latvian firms via Twitter to the TV station and has its audiences hooked.
The Latvian government and police are investigating the security breach.
Data leaked so far includes pay details of managers from a Latvian bank that received a bail-out.
It reveals that many did not take the salary cuts they promised.
Other data shows that state-owned companies secretly awarded bonuses while publicly asking the government for help...
The anonymous hacker claims to be part of a group - called the Fourth Awakening People's Army - that downloaded more than seven million confidential tax documents from the State Revenue Service. He is thought to be based in Britain.
Over a three month period they downloaded the private data of up to 1,000 companies.
Ilze Nagla, a TV presenter on the state-owned Latvian TV, told the BBC the hacker has attained cult status for some.
Whistleblowers are heroes and should be recognized as such. Notice there is call for prosecuting this gentleman by the establishment. Yet, there are no calls for prosecuting the liars and thieves he exposed. This proves that "we the people" cannot rely on traditional newspapers, television or radio to expose the truth and help bring the big crooks to justice.
I am a whistleblower. So I know how the mainstream media will "submarine" legitimate complaints against the system and people of influence. They are owned. Bought and paid for by those that are destroying the world as we know it. Heck, if it weren't for Henry Makow and Jeff Rense, my story would have remained on the outer reaches of the internet. By helping to bring it to light, these amazing men gave me an added layer of protection and made sure my story was told. I owe them.
So, in the spirit of enlightenment, I am offering my services to any and all "whistleblowers" that want their story told to a larger audience. You will have the chance to tell it all, name names and dates, and have your story published on this site (which has over 300,000 visits per month) and on my radio show, which will soon be part of the Rense Radio Network.
Email me at,, or post your story in my forum.
Lets cut out the fungus that is multiplying in our midst together.
Now, for that Hacker of all things Latvian: If, perhaps you do happen to apply your talents in the US, England etc, know that there are others like me, who can't condone your work. However, we are more than happy to publish it when we can.
Any law, that prevents open disclosure isn't worth a warm bucket of spit.
Its called "Freedom of the Press" and, as a journalist, I will use it the way it was intended.
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Britannia Radio