Tuesday, 23 February 2010 14:59

'With the foul mixture of adjustable rate mortgages, low down payments, unqualified loans, and liar loans, where potential homebuyers could not even verify that they had jobs or adequate funds to buy a house, the private International Banking Cartel inflated their US housing bubble. Then, the Cartel violently burst their bloated, thin-walled, and ephemeral bladder of toxins, they had so carefully pumped with hype, lies, and wicked intentions. Now, the Cartel is delivering their coupe de grace on some defaulting home buyers; they are siccing their private collection agency, the IRS on many of the homeless and jobless of America.
Many beleaguered, debt-ridden, jobless Americans have lost, or are about to lose, what they had left of the great American Dream: owning their own home. Lending institutions, all over the US are foreclosing on our hopes and dreams for ourselves and children with malice aforethought. These premeditated crimes of the banksters will not, however, go unrewarded by the US government, with increased income taxes, sales and value-added taxes, banker bail-outs, and "stimulus" packages, all paid for by those who are living the American Nightmare - a dark dream of intense, inescapable fear, horror, and distress. After losing their homes to the foreign controlled Banking Cartel, many Americans will be assaulted with unexpected income taxes: Enter the Banking Cartel's collection agency - the IRS. 'Read more: The Cartel's Collection Agency