Thursday, 18 February 2010


Fox News and CNN are both reporting on the big news - Gov. Sarah Palin is going to come to Searchlight, NV to help lead the big Tea Party Express III effort - and the first target for defeat is liberal Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid.  You'll be pumped watching the news reports - HERE:

The rally (and another Tea Party Express rally in Boston, MA on April 14th) will be free and open to the public.  Palin is doing this effort 'for free' and without compensation. 

This development certainly raises the stakes in our efforts to "Defeat Harry Reid" and it increases the importance of our Tea Party Express III: Just Vote Them Out campaign.  Fox News describes Tea Party Express III as the most ambitious tea party effort planned in 2010: 

We are going to need your support to ensure this campaign for constitutionalist conservative values is successful.

We aren now launching a TV ad campaign that targets Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi.

This entire effort is very expensive - and we need your help.

We need to raise $35,000 more to fully fund this effort.  And we only have 2 days - today and tomorrow - to raise the money needed!

Please make a contribution to the Tea Party Express III effort.  You can contribute as little as $5 up the maximum allowed contribution of $5,000.  The more we raise, the more election campaigns we will be able to engage in and support conservative candidates and/or defeat liberal candidates.

You can contribute online right now - HERE.