Confessions of a Conspiracy Theory Junkie Science vs Alarmism Preface An act of deception
Conspiracy theorists have been around for quite some time. It’s only of late - with the phenomenal growth of the TEA Party movement - that the label has received such thundering derision, particularly from the gaggle of far left-leaning, Mao-hugging ‘Progressives’, who appear to have taken over the Democratic Party at all levels.........
I have written many times on these pages that “there is no man-made global warming.” The powerful global warming lobby has attacked its opponents of “cooler heads” scientists who have demanded facts rather than political agendas. The Global Warming alarmists have blocked grants from being given to researchers that dispute their findings that the earth is being destroyed by human civilization. They have intimidated science publications that dare print opposing reports........
by Tom DeWeese
The West does not know what it is; probably one could say the same of most cultures. But they are not the concern of this study; frankly, they are not of primary importance. What they are matters less than the veiled but omnipresent identity of the West that directs the show of history and in whose troupe all humans, alle menschen,[2] like it or not are actors. The West is the culture that constructs itself, for which life is a game, -- a very serious one with identity and self-image at stake......
by Professor Eugene Narrett
Obviously, this was my understanding when I wrote this. I was, however, contacted by a colleague who stated that Alveolar Hydatid Disease and Cystic Hydatid Disease are not the same; are not caused by the same parasite. Further research produced a mixed bag of results. As such, I requested clarification from Dr Geist, Professional Biologist, Professor Emeritus of Environmental Science, University of Calgary..........
by Lynn Stuter
Tuesday, 16 February 2010
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Britannia Radio