Tuesday, 23 February 2010

eu reform treaty

Lisbon Pact Failing to Lift the EU on Global Stage
New York Times
The Lisbon Treaty was intended to revamp a system under which each of the EU nations held the presidency of the bloc for six months on a rotating basis. ...
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Clinton Calls for Closer NATO-Russian Cooperation
23 (Bloomberg) -- Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called on Russia to collaborate with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization on the missile defense of ...
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Britannia Radio
By Britannia Radio
EU formulates deal on stalled reform treaty. European Union leaders on Friday struck a deal they hope will persuade Irish voters to accept the 27-nation bloc's stalled reform treaty in a second vote on . ...
Britannia Radio - http://britanniaradio.blogspot.com/
Morning Brief (23-2) « Global Europe
By Ulrich Speck
The Lisbon Treaty was intended to revamp a system under which each of the E.U. nations held the presidency of the bloc for six months on a rotating basis. It created a new full-time presidency and a more powerful foreign policy chief to be ... Supporters of the treaty argue that it was never going to deliver instant results. “It is difficult,” said Charles Grant, director of the Center for European Reform, “to write off what has not been built,” referring the new European ...
Global Europe - http://www.globeurope.com/blog/
p2pnet news » Blog Archive » ACTA internet chapter online
By Jon
“Several months after a European Union memo discussing the ACTA Internet chapter leaked, the actual chapter itself has now leaked. First covered by PC World, the new leak fully confirms the earlier reports and mirrors the language found in the EU ... The treaty merely requires “adequate legal protection and effective legal remedies against the circumvention of effective technological measures.” It does not require access controls nor prohibitions on the manufacture or ...
p2pnet news - http://www.p2pnet.net/
America's Most Wanted Toxic Chemicals: PBTs
By Safer Chemicals Healthy Families
President George W. Bush — not known for his international environmental cooperation — actually signed this treaty in 2001 (though he didn't follow through on ratification). Several companies, including SC Johnson, Kaiser Permanente, ... We are asking you to write to your member of Congress to tell them that real TSCA reform must include taking immediate action to phase nonessential uses of PBT chemicals out of commerce. Stay tuned for more blogs explaining the difference ...
Safer Chemicals Blog - http://blog.saferchemicals.org/
Video & Text: Secretary Clinton's Remarks at the NATO Strategic ...
By still4hill
We do not see the EU as a competitor of NATO, but we see a strong Europe as an essential partner with NATO and with the United States. We hope that the passage of the Lisbon treaty will help us advance this relationship. ..... You will hear from Secretary Gates tomorrow that we really believe that reform of NATO has to be fully embraced by both sides of the Atlantic and by all members, because we cannot operate in a world where threats are evolving as they are today with ...
Still4Hill - http://still4hill.wordpress.com/
Newsnow Eu Lisbon Treaty | Building, House and Architecture Design
The EU Reform Treaty, or as it is famous, the Lisbon Treaty is entering into force Tuesday, December 1, 2009. Office Cleaning London | Newsnow | Bourque ...
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Britain out of the euro and the EU's visa-free...whether the EU reform treaty... an ardent euro-skeptic...the other 26 EU nations have. ...