Thursday, 25 February 2010

eu reform treaty

Reform of security forces in Guinea must deliver justice for ...
By admin
Any cooperation that involves technical assistance or training relating to military or security equipment, as it has done in the recent past, may contravene the current European Union arms embargo on Guinea. ... Amnesty International is campaigning for an international Arms Trade Treaty to establish a legally binding standard that states will not authorise international transfers of arms or associated training if there is a serious risk that they will contribute to ...
A Human Rights Blog -
The Final Redoubt: A low-grade bank clerk with the charisma of a ...
By Harry Hook
BRUSSELS — Three months after the European Union introduced a new rule book that was supposed to elevate its status on the global stage, an awkward question is unavoidably being asked within the bloc: Has the Lisbon Treaty actually made things ... The agreement finally became law in December at the end of an eight-year battle to reform Europe's ramshackle structures and to invest the world's largest trading bloc with equivalent diplomatic weight for its 27 member nations. ...
The Final Redoubt -
Editorial Roundup: Excerpts From Recent Editorials | The Daily ...
By admin
And speculation turned to Italy, Spain and Portugal as the next in line to face budget crises because their deficits far exceed what is allowed under the European Union treaty. .... Just months ago, majorities in the House and the Senate — officials elected by the public to represent their interests — really did vote for health care reform. It was a historic moment that reflected the undeniable truth that most Americans, though they may disagree on details, want a health ...
The Daily Caller - Breaking News,... -
The first EU steps towards the accession to the European ...
By edecapitani
Bearing in mind the questions raised above it is easy to understand why, even if some preparatory works started immediately after the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty (December 1st, 2009), the negotiation mandate of the EU is still in the ... and it is more than likely that the newly appointed Vice President Reding will now take the political lead of this dossier as she has announced at the Interlaken Conference on the reform of the European Court of Human Rights . ...
European Area of Freedom Security... -
Review: Forgotten God – Chapter One | Onward, Forward, Toward...
By admin
All of this stuff, and we see no signs of change, reform, or repentance. But we expect the other side to change, reform, and repent to our way of thinking called 'God' when we have the same head knowledge of God manifesting differently in ... And the warning and admonition in the parallel reference to the Spirit-filled life is to learn from this and never make treaty with the enemy of our soul thinking might and power will conquer all and never intermarry in alliance with ...
Onward, Forward, Toward... -
Musterklausur Presse-Übung
The EU-Reform Treaty and the UK a) The Constitutional Treaty was drafted by a so - called „European Convention“. Which different ... Business News : Disunity, economic woes dog EU image drive
When the last of the EU's 27 member states finally accepted the Lisbon reform treaty last year after nearly a decade of disputes and hesitation, EU leaders ...