Saturday, 13 February 2010

European Union Directives,Regulations and Laws.

Skepticism over EU pet ban directives
Peterborough Today
The EU directive does not specifically mention cats or dogs, but there is a fear that other councils will interpret the law in the same way as the Rushmoor ...
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FSA accuses private equity industry of “arrogance” as buy-out heads rail ...
The cause of the conflict is the EU's proposed AIFM (AIFM) directive, which would require fund managers to obtain regulator clearance for funds, ...
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EU anti-pollution law on agricultural nitrate proving effective, report finds
Irish Times
THE IMPLEMENTATION of legislation to prevent nitrates from agricultural sources polluting ground and surface waters is proving effective, a European ...
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The Icesave dispute
Journal of Turkish Weekly
The directive is not particularly well written, even relative to other EU legal documents. It does not ask member states themselves to guarantee deposits, ...
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The European Union
This Treaty gives the European Commission "absolute power" to issue directives guaranteeing "competitive European businesses access to the world's markets ...
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Waiting For Tomorrow At Eni
Wall Street Journal
The SRG split seems unlikely to happen before 2011 when Eni expects the Italian parliament to pass the third EU energy directive into law, ...
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International E-discovery Compliance- Privacy First | Article Buster
By genwright
An attorney's first instinct will probably be to put into place a global litigation hold as is common place with regards to dealing with e-discovery law within the US. Yet, the European Union's Privacy Directives again broaden terms ...
Article Buster -
Medical Herbalists Call For UK Regulation New Law to Hit ...
By admin
“There is actually nothing in law at the moment that would prevent anyone from taking on that title and practising.” Herbalists are worried about a new EU directive coming in to force next year that will drastically reduce their ability ...
Herbal Medicine -
Ralf Bendrath: European Parliament rejects Bank Data Transfer to U.S.
By Ralf Bendrath
the public consultation for the planned comprehensive data transfer and data protection framework between the EU and the US for law enforcement purposes. The deadline 12 March - please submit strong statements there!),; the review of the data retention directive (Commission document expected this fall),; the review of the data protection directive 46/95/EC for the internal market,; Europol access to other EU databases such as the fingerprints of asylum-seekers. ...
Ralf Bendrath -
What the cross-party 'Death Tax' talks tell us « Autonomous Mind
By Autonomous Mind
1 WitteringsfromWitney 12/02/2010 at 10:35 pm. Probably a forerunner AM to a nice EU Directive coming out – hence the consensus angle. Saves a lot of law changing later – part of cutting costs you know? The more this goes on, ...
Autonomous Mind -
By admin
In 1986, a array of recommendations 'Recommendation upon glow reserve in existent hotels (Directive 86/666/EEC)' were constructed that specified smallest glow reserve standards for existent hotels opposite a European Union. ... Based upon these Regulations, a supervision constructed 'Fire Safety – An employer's guide'. This beam explains to a employer, what to do to imitate with a law relating to glow issues. It additionally explains how to lift out a glow risk comment as ... -
Britannia Radio
proposed for the EU, so a strict interpretation of equivalency would be extremely damaging. Does the Directive mean equivalence of laws, regulations and . ...
This also means that the rules resulting from EU directives must where ... The lack of European harmonisation leads to inequality before the law and hence unfair ... regulations should be made shorter and more practicable. ...
[procurement] government procurement law, european commission ...
european commission defense procurement directive hellfire ii procurement cost .... eu procurement regulations waste management procurement ...
The Electronic Commerce (EC Directive) Regulations 2002: How do I ...
The Electronic Commerce (EC Directive) Regulations 2002 came into force in August 2002 and implement the European Union's E-Commerce Directive into UK law. ...

Globe and Mail
Europe veers down a new path
Globe and Mail
Since the European Economic Community, the EU's ancestor, was created by the Treaty of Rome in 1957, each member country has been accountable for its own ...
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EU withholds banking data from U.S. intelligence agencies
ZDNet (blog)
The EU countries are still picking up the pieces from the financial meltdown ignited by Wall Street in 2008. Banking reform between the US and Europe has ...
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With Greek decision made, leaders focus on 2020
EU instruments should be used as incentives for reform,” he says. For example, structural and research (FP7) funding could be used to reward member states ...
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Let Greece Go to the IMF for Help
Seeking Alpha (blog)
The Maastricht treaty and the Stability and Growth Pact put fiscal constraints front and center on the list of country requirements for euro membership. ...
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Dutch allow Croatia's EU talks to move on
... EU membership talks by the end of this year. It could then join in late 2012, after the ratification by all the current EU members of an accession treaty.
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Open Europe - independent think tank calling for radical reform of ...
On the front page of the Guardian under the headline “ Europe loses seat at top table”, Ian Traynor looks at the EU's post-Lisbon Treaty influence on the world stage. He writes, “The new regime has started not with a bang but with a ...
Open Europe Daily Press Summary -
Irish Election
By Veronica
... Education (4), enda kenny (3), EU (4), Europe (2), European Commission (3), European Parliament (3), European Union (7), eurosceptic (3), Fianna Fail (18), Fine Gael (10), Government (2), Green Party (5), Ireland (5), Irish Job Losses ( 2) ... lisbon (6), Lisbon Treaty (14), liveblog (3), Mahon Tribunal (3), Mary Harney (2), Northern Ireland (2), Politics (7), Progressive Democrats (2), Referenda (3), Referendum (6), Reform Treaty (4), Sinn Féin (3), third-level (2) ...
Irish Election -
ATTUABLOG - Cronaca: - Friday February 12, 2010
By Attuablog
Patrick Kennedy Will Not Seek Reelection * Chilean Maternal Mortality Study Undercuts Pro-Abortion Claims * New UN Human Rights Treaty on Aging Promoted, Questioned * The US Bishops' Continued Imprudence on Health-Care Reform .... STRASBOURG, February 12, 2010 ( - Maltese members of the European Parliament (MEPs) sent a strong message to the EU that Malta will not accept the introduction of abortion when they voted against a measure that sought to ...
ATTUABLOG - Cronaca -
Friend's home: [socialactionfoundationforequity:2075 GPF ...
By microsoft
This joint report by Third World Network and ActionAid International thoroughly analyzes the history of the SDRs and a potential reform of the global reserve system which could work in favor of developing countries without being subject to ... Under the terms of the Lisbon Treaty, the European Parliament can decide whether or not to share EU bank transfer information with the US. US Treasury Department official, Adam Szubin, is pushing hard to convince the EU to go ahead ...
Friend's home -
Britannia Radio
True, the new EU reform treaty is now in force and Mr Barroso has finally won approval from the European parliament for a new commission team. ...
Irish voters overwhelmingly back EU reform treaty
Irish voters overwhelmingly endorsed the European Union's Lisbon reform treaty, results showed on Saturday,
Archive in: Analysis | EurActiv
Implications of the Reform Treaty for EU Justice and Home Affairs policies ... The EU Reform Treaty: easier signed than ratified? ...